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徳田 慶太(トクダ ケイタ)

研究テーマ 神経系などの複雑システムの数理モデル化
研究業績(論文) Emergence of chaos in a compartmentalized catalytic reaction nanosystem. Maximilian Raab, Johannes Zeininger, Yuri Suchorski, Keita Tokuda, Günther Rupprechter, Nature communications 14(1) 736-736 2023年2月10日

Utility of constraints reflecting system stability on analyses for biological models. Yoshiaki Kariya, Masashi Honma, Keita Tokuda, Akihiko Konagaya, Hiroshi Suzuki, PLOS Computational Biology 2022年9月9日

Chaos may enhance expressivity in cerebellar granular layer. Keita Tokuda, Naoya Fujiwara, Akihito Sudo, Yuichi Katori, Neural Networks 136 72-86 2021年4月

A Novel Method to Estimate Long-Term Chronological Changes From Fragmented Observations in Disease Progression. Ishida T, Tokuda K, Hisaka A, Honma M, Kijima S, Takatoku H, Iwatsubo T, Moritoyo T, Suzuki H, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 105(2) 436-447 2019年2月 第一著者と同等の貢献・責任著者

Chaotic dynamics as a mechanism of rapid transition of hippocampal local field activity between theta and non-theta states. Keita Tokuda, Yuichi Katori, Kazuyuki Aihara, Chaos 29(113115) 2019年

Hippocampal State-Dependent Behavioral Reflex to an Identical Sensory Input in Rats. Keita Tokuda, Michimasa Nishikawa, Shigenori Kawahara, PLOS ONE 9(11) e112927 2014年11月

研究者 教育活動 researchmap(JST)