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相澤 純也(アイザワ ジュンヤ)

研究テーマ スポーツバイオメカニクス トレーニング科学 理学療法学 障害学 リハビリテーション医学
研究業績(論文) https://researchmap.jp/spt

膝靭帯損傷・再建術後の心理的準備における受傷状況や恐怖動作に関する定性因子解明.日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)(一般) 2024年4月 - 2027年3月.相澤純也、池田浩、小泉和之、大路駿介、柳下和慶

膝前十字靭帯再建術の前段階におけるスポーツ復帰に対する心理的準備の関連因子.日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤(C)(一般) 2024年 - 2027年.大路駿介, 相澤純也, 廣幡健二, 古賀英之, 柳下和慶

ライフパフォーマンスの向上に向けた目的を持った運動・スポーツの実践に関する実態・ニーズ調.スポーツ庁 令和5年度 Sport in Life 推進プロジェクト「ライフパフォーマンスの向上に向けた目的を持った運動・スポーツの推進に係る調査研究」 2023年11月 - 2025年3月.鈴川仁人, 相澤純也, 中丸宏二, 高橋佐江子, 牧原由紀子, 井上夏香

前十字靭帯再建術直後に生じる大腿四頭筋の機能構造変化に関連する臨床因子.日本理学療法学会連合 2023年度理学療法に関わる研究助成 2023年12月 - 2025年3月.大路駿介, 相澤純也, 廣幡健二, 大見武弘, 川崎智子, 古賀英之, 柳下和慶

前十字靱帯損傷・再建術後患者におけるスポーツ復帰に向けた心理的準備の因子解明.科学研究費補助金基盤(C)2021年4月 - 2024年3月.相澤純也, 池田浩, 廣幡健二, 大路駿介, 柳下和慶

片脚ジャンプ着地中の運動力学的変数の非対称性に着目した膝損傷予防動作指導の開発.科学研究費補助金(基盤C)2017年4月 - 2020年3月.相澤純也, 古賀英之, 柳下和慶, 増田正, 廣幡健二, 大見武弘, 山田拓実

リハビリテーション評価のための無拘束自動化動作計測システムの開発.科学研究費補助金(基盤C)2015年4月 - 2018年3月.増田正, 森田定雄, 相澤純也

ジャンプ後の空中姿勢・筋活動が片足着地時の膝靱帯損傷リスクやバランスに及ぼす影響.科学研究費補助金(基盤C)2014年4月 - 2017年3月.相澤純也, 古賀英之, 柳下和慶, 増田正

関節可動域の制限によって障害される日常生活動作を予測する技術の開発.科学研究費補助金(基盤C)2011年4月 - 2014年3月.増田正, 相澤純也, 森田定雄

Association Between Reactive Strength Index During Single-Limb Vertical Continuous Jumps and Isokinetic Knee Extensor Strength Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Kenji Hirohata, Junya Aizawa, Takehiro Ohmi, Shunsuke Ohji, Sho Mitomo, Tomoko Kawasaki, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
JOSPT open in press 2024年

Relationship Between Single-Leg Vertical Jump and Drop Jump Performance, and Return to Sports After Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Hamstring Graft
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 19(10) 1204-1215 2024年10月

The relationship between whole-body muscle mass and the isokinetic knee extensor strength of the non-operated side following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Isokinetics and Exercise Science in press 2024年

Effects of differences in femoral anteversion and hip flexion angle on hip abductor muscles activity during clam exercise in females
Sho Mitomo, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Shunsuke Ohji, Hidetaka Furuya, Tomoko Kawasaki, Yayoi Sakai, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Atsushi Okawa
PLOS ONE 1-15 2024年6月

Characteristics of head and neck alignment and function of deep cervical flexor muscles in patients with nonspecific neck pain
Tomoko Kawasaki, Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Sakai Tomoko, Kenji Hirohata, Taiichi Koseki, Hironobu Kuruma, Atsushi Okawa, Tetsuya Jinno
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies in press 2024年

Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Return to Sport after Injury (ACL-RSI) Subcategories are Affected by Subjective Running Ability and Medial Single-leg Hop Distance in Post-Reconstruction Patients at 6 Months
Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Sho Mitomo, Takehiro Ohmi, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2024;e12004 1-11 2024年1月

Association of knee function at 6 postoperative months with second ACL injury within 2 years after primary ACL reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
JOSPT Open 2(1) 20-28 2024年1月

Kinesiophobia is negatively associated with psychological readiness to return to sport in patients awaiting anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 0749-8063(23)00183-4. 2023年2月

Biomechanical characteristics of the lower extremities during running in male long-distance runners with a history of medial tibial stress syndrome: a case control study
Takehiro Ohmi, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Sho Mitomo, Toshiyuki Ohara, kazuyoshi Yagishita
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 24(1) 103 2023年2月

Adapting Balance Training by Changing the Direction of the Tensile Load on the Lumbar Region
Tetsuro Miyazaki, Takuro Aoki, Junya Aizawa, Toshihiro Kawase, Maina Sogabe, Kenji Kawashima
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 34(6) 1361-1370 2022年12月20日

Changes in subjective knee function and psychological status from preoperation to 6 months post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 9(1) 2022年

Reactive strength index during single-limb vertical continuous jumps after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: cross-sectional study
Kenji Hirohata, Junya Aizawa, Takehiro Ohmi, Shunsuke Ohji, Sho Mitomo, Toshiyuki Ohara, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Tetsuya Jinno, Atsushi Okawa
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 14(1) 150-150 2022年8月

Association between knee extension strength at 3 and 6 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Sho Mitomo, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Takehiro Ohmi, Toshiyuki Ohara, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 3 1-9 2022年8月

Cross-sectional study on relationships between physical function and psychological readiness to return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 14(1) 97 2022年

Correlation between the Photographic Cranial Angles and Radiographic Cervical Spine Alignment
Tomoko Kawasaki, Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Tomoko Sakai, Kenji, Hirohata, Hironobu Kuruma, Hirohisa Koseki, Atsushi Okawa, Tetsuya Jinno
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(10) 6278 2022年

Association among landing biomechanics, knee pain, and kinesiophobia in athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A cross-sectional study
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
PM&R 2022年4月

Asymmetry of the cross-sectional area of the gluteus medius muscle persists eight years after total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis of the hip
Kazuko Isshiki, Tetsuya Jinno, Junya AIzawa, Ryohei Takada, Tomoko Sakai, Tetsuya Tachibana, Atsushi Okawa
Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 6 2021年

Characteristics of ground reaction force and frontal body movement during failed trials of single-leg lateral drop jump-landing task
Kenji Hirohata, Junya Aizawa, Takehiro Ohmi, Shunsuke Ohji, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology 26 8 - 14 2021年10月

Strength normalized to muscle volume rather than body weight is more accurate for assessing knee strength following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Isokinetics and Exercise Science 30(1) 7-13 2022年

Characteristics of landing impact in athletes who have not returned to sports at the pre-injury competition level after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Sho Mitomo, Takehiro Ohmi, Tetsuya Jinno, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology 25 47-52 2021年5月

The psychological readiness to return to sports of patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction preoperatively and 6 months postoperatively
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Physical Therapy in Sport 50 114-120 2021年4月

Injury-related fear in athletes returning to sports after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - a quantitative content analysis of an open-ended questionnaire.
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technolog. in press 2021

Athletic identity and sport commitment in athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction who have returned to sports at their pre-injury level of competition
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Sho Mitomo, Takehiro Ohmi, Tetsuya Jinno, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, Apr 7;13(1):37. doi: 10.1186/s13102-021-00264-6.
PMID: 33827671

Correlations between isokinetic knee torques and single-leg hop distances in three directions in patients after ACL reconstruction.
Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr 9;13(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s13102-021-00265-5.
PMID: 33836820

Single-leg hop distance normalized to body height is associated with the return to sports after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Sho Mitomo, Tetsuya Jinno, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. 2021 Apr 2;8(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s40634-021-00344-z.
PMID: 33796963

Single-leg hop can result in higher limb symmetry index than isokinetic strength and single-leg vertical jump following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
S Ohji, J Aizawa, K Hirohata, T Ohmi, H Koga, A Ohkawa, T Jinnno, K Yagishita
The Knee. 29. 160-166, 2021

Factors associated with psychological readiness to return to sports with cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Shunsuke Ohji, Takehiro Ohmi, Hideyuki Koga, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Nov 17;8(11):2325967120964484. doi: 10.1177/2325967120964484. eCollection 2020 Nov.

The Japanese version of the anterior cruciate ligament - return to sport after injury (ACL-RSI) scale has acceptable validity and reliability.
Hirohata,Junya Aizawa,Hietaka Furuya,Sho Mitomo,Takehiro Ohmi,Shunsuke Ohji,Toshiyuki Ohara,Hideyuki Koga,Kate E. Webst
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2020 Aug;28(8):2519-2525. doi: 10.1007/s00167-020-05849-1. Epub 2020 Feb 3.

The Gap Between Subjective Return to Sports and Subjective Athletic Performance Intensity After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Shunsuke Ohji, Junya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Hideyuki Koga, Atsushi Okawa, Tetsuya Jinno, Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 8(9) 232596712094740-232596712094740 2020年9月1日

Relationship between asymmetrical jump-landing impact and quadriceps strength after unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Junya Aizawa,Shunsuke Ohji,Kenji Hirohata,Takehiro Ohmi,Hideyuki Koga,Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research 4 1-6 2019年7月

Immediate effects of thoracic spine self-mobilization in patients with mechanical neck pain- a randomized controlled trial-
Koji Nakamaru,Junya Aizawa,Keizo Kawarada,Yukari Uemura,Osamu Nitta
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 417-424 2019年

Development of an arm curl machine with variable resistance using pneumatic artificial rubber muscle
Tomoya Nakanishi,Toshihiro Kawase,Junya Aizawa,Shintaro Yoshida,Ryo Sakurai,Tetsuro Miyazaki,Takahiro Kanno,Kenji Kawashima
Proceeding of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3830-3835 2019年

Correlations between vertical ground reaction force, sagittal joint angles, and the muscle co-contraction index during single-leg jump-landing
Shunsuke Ohji,Junya Aizawa,Kenji Hirohata,Takehiro Ohmi,Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine 10(3) e81771 2019年

Effect of exercise therapy combined with branched-chain amino acid supplementation on muscle strengthening in persons with osteoarthritis
Takashi Ikeda,Tetsuya Jinno,Tadashi Masuda,Junya Aizawa,Kazunari Ninomiya,Kouji Suzuki,Kazuo Hirakawa

Limb-dominance and gender differences in the ground reaction force during single-leg lateral jump-landings
Junya Aizawa,Kenji Hirohata,Shunsuke Ohji,Takehiro Ohmi,Kazuyoshi Yagishita
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (3) 387-392 2018年3月

The Effect of Teeth Clenching on Dynamic Balance at Jump-Landing: A Pilot Study
Tomomasa Nakamura,Yuriko Yoshida,Hiroshi Churei,Junya Aizawa,Kenji Hirohata,Takehiro Ohmi,Shunsuke Ohji,Toshiyuki Takahashi,Mitsuhiro Enomoto,Toshiaki Ueno,Kazuyoshi Yagishita

Hip, knee, and ankle kinematics during activities of daily living: a cross-sectional study
Kashitaro Hyodo,Tadashi Masuda,Junya Aizawa,Tetsuya Jinno,Sadao Morita

Effects of perioperative factors and hip geometry on hip abductor muscle strength during the first 6 months after anterolateral total hip arthroplasty.
Ikeda T,Jinno T,Aizawa J,Masuda T,Hirakawa K,Ninomiya K,Suzuki K,Morita S
Journal of physical therapy science 29(2) 295-300 2017年2月

The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on reduction of edema and pain in athletes with an ankle sprain in the acute phase: A pilot study.
Yagishita K,Oyaizu T,Aizawa J,Enomoto M
Sports and Exercise Medicine 3(1) 10-16 2017年1月

Effect of short-term fatigue, induced by high-intensity exercise, on the profile of the ground reaction force during single-leg anterior drop-jumps.
Watanabe S,Aizawa J,Shimoda M,Enomoto M,Nakamura T,Okawa A,Yagishita K
Journal of Physical Therapy Science 28(12) 3371-3375 2016年12月

Correlations between sagittal plane kinematics and landing impact force during single-leg lateral jump-landings
Aizawa J,Ohji S,Koga H,Masuda T,Yagishita K
Journal of Physical Therapy Science 28(8) 2316-2321 2016年8月

Effects and feasibility of exercise therapy combined with branched-chain amino acid supplementation on muscle strengthening in frail and pre-frail elderly people requiring long-term care: a crossover trial
Takashi Ikeda,Junya Aizawa,Hiroshi Nagasawa,Ikuko Gomi,Hiroyuki Kugota,Keigo Nanjo,Tetsuya Jinno,Tadashi Masuda,Sadao Morita

Immediate effect of passive and active stretching on hamstrings flexibility: a single-blinded randomized control trial.
Nishikawa Y,Aizawa J,Kanemura N,Takahashi T,Hosomi N,Maruyama H,Kimura H,Matsumoto M,Takayanagi K
Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(10) 3167-3170 2015年10月

Reliability, Validity, and Responsiveness of the Japanese Version of the Patient-Specific Functional Scale in patients with neck pain
Nakamaru K,Aizawa J,Koyama T,Nitta O
European Spine Journal 24(12) 2816-2820 2015年9月

Ranges of active joint motion for the shoulder, elbow, and wrist in healthy adults
Junya Aizawa,Tadashi Masuda,Kashitaro Hyodo,Tetsuya Jinno,Kazuyoshi Yagishita,Koji Nakamaru,Takayuki Koyama,Sadao Morita

The Effect of Mastication on Reaction Latency to Unanticipated ExternalDisturbances in the Standing Position.
Kaji K,Katoh M,Isozaki K,Aizawa J,Masuda T,Morita S
Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 59(4) 83-88 2012年12月

Crosscultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Neck Disability Index
Koji Nakamaru,Howard Vernon,Junya Aizawa,Takayuki Koyama,Osamu Nitta
SPINE 37(21) E1343-E1347 2012年10月

Three-dimensional motion of the upper extremity joints during various activities of daily living
Junya Aizawa,Tadashi Masuda,Takayuki Koyama,Koji Nakamaru,Koji Isozaki,Atsushi Okawa,Sadao Morita
JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS 43(15) 2915-2922 2010年11月

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