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堀 智子(ホリ トモコ)

研究テーマ 日本人英語学習者のプロソディ
研究業績(論文) 【論文】
Hori, T., Akatsuka, M., & Toyama, M. (2021). Perception of English Intonation Patterns by Japanese Learners of English. Language Education & Technology. Vol.58, 1-16.

Sugiura, K. & Hori, T. (2020). How Repeating Rhythmic Beats Enhance L2 Prosody.JACET 中部支部紀要. 大学英語教育学会中部支部 第18号 33-54

赤塚麻里・堀智子・遠山道子 (2018).「日本人英語学習者におけ る英語イントネーションの発音指導の効果」Language Education & Technology, 55, 151-170.

Hori, T. & SUN, D. (2017). International intelligibility for cross-cultural communication: Implications for teaching English as a foreignlanguage in Japan and China, 東京工業高等専門学校研究報告書, 48, 13-16.

堀智子、森庸子 (2016). 「日本語の自然発話における伸長の程度と生起環境―大学生の絵描写課題から―」『音声研究』,20, 2, 38-47.

Hori, T & Sugiura, K. (2014). The auditory priming effect in Japanese leaners of English: Effects of voice specificity and word stress patterns. Bialystok Language Archives, 65-79.

Mori Y., Hori, T. Erickson, D. (2014). Acoustic correlates of English rhythmic patterns for American versus Japanese speakers. Phonetica, 71, 83-108.3

金澤 佑(編)『フォーミュラと外国語学習・教育』くろしお出版

堀智子(2012). Effects of shadowing on pronunciation, 井上・神崎編 『21世紀英語研究の諸相』 開拓社

Hori, T., Akatsuka, M., Toyama, M., & Sugiura, K. (2023, 3, 18) Effects of observing pitch gestures on perception of English intonation by Japanese learners of English. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, Oregon, US.

Sugiura, K. & Hori, T. (2022, 8, 26) Does a brief practice with regular rhythm benefit adult L2 learners’ pronunciation learning in terms of the sounds other than rhythm? The 31st Conference of the European Second Language Association, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Hori, T., Toyama, M., Akatsuka, M. (2020) Perception of English Intonation by Japanese Learners of English. Proc. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, 838-842, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-171.

Sudo, M.M., Kagomiya, T., Hori, T. (2020) Present state analysis and measurement of pronunciation training effectiveness in English acquisition: Relationships between production patterns and English proficiencies. Proc. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, 872-875, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-178.

Sugiura, K. and Hori, T.(2019). Pronunciation training with repeating musical rhythm: Its Effect on Japanese learners of English when learning the segmental and suprasegmental sounds. New Sounds 2019,The 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. 2019/08/31

Sugiura, K. and Hori, T. (2019). Effect of repeating rhythmic repeats of short sentences on L2 pronunciation of Japanese learners of English. Paper presented at International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS 2019.   Retrieved from https://icphs2019.org/icphs2019-fullpapers/

須藤路子・籠宮隆之・堀智子 (2019)「英語音声習得の分析と発音訓練の効果測定 ―中学校英語科教員と教職課程学生の英語習得において―」2019 年度第 33 回日本音声学会全国大会

堀智子(2018). アサーションエビデンスを用いた「わかりやすく伝える」ための英語プレゼン指導, 第42回高専英語教育学会

Hori, T., Alley, M. (2017). Rethinking oral presentations for engineers in a global society, 日本工学教育協会2017 JSEE Annual Conference

Hori, T., Yoshimoto S., Kojima. T, Noguchi, J. (2017). Acoustic features of English oral presentations for creating speech model samples, 外国語教育メディア学会第57回全国研究大会

Hori, T. (2016). Exploring the use of Text-to-Speech software to create model speech sounds for English oral presentations, Roundtable talk, Penn State University

研究者 教育活動