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ミョー ニエン アング(ミョー ニエン アング)

教育活動(大学院教育) Teaching in graduate school
2018年 - 現在-開発途上国で実施された研究デザイン (順天堂大学)
2018年 - 現在健康サービス研究方法論 (順天堂大学)
2018年 - 現在気候変動と健康 (順天堂大学)
2018年 - 現在アジアの社会保障と高齢化政策 (順天堂大学)
2020年11月Implementation Science Research Training School, Volunteer Facilitator (3rd Annual GACD Implementation Science Research Training School, Global Alliance for Chronic Disease, London)
2014年研究の実行 (チュラロンコン大学(タイ国,修士課程)医学部臨床疫学・健康と開発の修士課程講義)
2014年統計及び分析 (チュラロンコン大学(タイ国,修士課程)医学部臨床疫学・健康と開発の修士課程講義)
2014年コラボ研究 (チュラロンコン大学(タイ国,修士課程)医学部臨床疫学・健康と開発の修士課程講義)
2014年文献レビュー (チュラロンコン大学(タイ国,修士課程)医学部臨床疫学・健康と開発の修士課程講義)
2014年治療研究と臨床試験 (チュラロンコン大学(タイ国,修士課程)医学部臨床疫学・健康と開発の修士課程講義)
2012年健康科学と行動研究の研究方法論 (チェンマイラチャパット大学公衆衛生学部修士課程講義 (タイ国、チェンマイ))
2018 to current -Social Security and aging policy in Asia
-Health service research methodology
-Research designs conducted in developing countries
-Actual epidemiological study; Implementation
-Climate change and Health
Graduate school,
Juntendo University for Master of international health and master of global health classes
2020 -Global burden of diseases and health inequality
-Sustainable health promotion for the seniors during COVID-19 pandemic Faculty of International Liberal Arts
Global health in English course
Undergraduate course
2020 to current Implementation science Implementation science school, Global Alliance for Non-communicable Disease (GACD) London, UK
2014 to 2016 Public health core competencies
Lecturer: Trainer in the WHOSEARO regional training of master trainers to improve teaching public health.
(Trainees are professors of public health) WHO Collaborating Centre for Medical Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2015 to current Research methodology:
• Designs
• Literature review
• Implementation of research
• Statistics and analyses
• Sampling and sample size
• Reporting results
• Writing manuscripts
• Collaborative research
• Treatment research and clinical trials Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Master of science in clinical epidemiology class , Master of Health and Development class
2012-2018 Measurement in behavioral research Department of Public Health, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
MPH class

2012- 2018 Research methodology in health science and behavioral research
• Designs
• Literature review
• Proposal development
• Implementation of research
• Statistics and analyses
• Sampling and sample size
• Reporting results
• Writing manuscripts
• Qualitative research
• Evaluation of intervention Department of Public Health, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
MPH classes

2011-2014 Intervention research and trials
Writing manuscripts

Boromrajonani College of Nursing, Lampang, Thailand
Training for faculty members

2011 Epidemiology
Disaster Epidemiology University of Public Health, Yangon, Myanmar
MPH class

教育活動(学部教育) Teaching undergraduate

2021 Global Health for Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Juntendo University
1.Service Delivery in Global Health
2.Global burden disease and health inequalities
3.Sustainable health promotion for older people in Japan during COVID-19 Pandemic

2007-2010 General Pharmacology, anti HIV drugs , anti TB drugs University of Medicine, Mandalay, Myanmar
Medical students

2003-2007 General Pharmacology, anti HIV drugs , anti TB drugs University of Medicine, Magway, Myanmar
Medical students
教育活動(大学院生の指導実績)学位論文作成指導した大学院生の数 How many masters
How many PhD students

2021- 5 PhD students
2022- 18 PhD students

Current Juntendo University Eating habit diabetes risk behaviors: case control study in Thailand and Myanmar Co-adviser
current Juntendo University Physical activity and diabetes risk behaviors: case control study in Thailand and Myanmar Co-adviser
Current Juntendo University TB among migrant workers in Japan Co-adviser
Current Juntendo University Relation between academic motivation of students and social capital among Judo therapist students in Japan Co adviser
2018 National Institute Development Administration) Bangkok, Cultural intelligence and Cross-cultural adjustment of Thai Expatriate in Myanmar.
PhD thesis Thesis examiner
2018 ASEAN Institute of Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand Evaluation of antiretroviral medication adherence counselling in Taunggyi, Southern Shan state, Myanmar Master Thesis Theses examiner, Chair
2017 University of Edinburgh, UK What would be the best initial medical therapy for Grave’s disease in adults? Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Master Thesis Supervisor
2017 University of Edinburgh, UK Efficacy and safety of Lincosamide in treatment of intractable focal seizures Master Thesis Examiner
2017 ASEAN Institute of Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand Malaria Preventive Practices of People Living in Myawaddy, A high Malaria endemic Twonship in Thai Myanmar Border Master Thesis Theses examiner
2016 ASEAN Institute of Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand Factor affecting Adherence to Anti-retroviral Therapy among HIV Infected Adults Master Thesis Theses examiner
2016 ASEAN Institute of Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand Factors associated with delay in treatment among pulmonary tuberculosis parents in Mandalay region, Myanmar Master Thesis Theses examiner
-2017 Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Statistical competency of graduate students: all students in MSc Health Development course Examiner
教育活動(他学部・他研究科等) other teaching
2020年11月Implementation Science Research Training School, Volunteer Facilitator (3rd Annual GACD Implementation Science Research Training School, Global Alliance for Chronic Disease, London)

Global Health Education Program (G-HEP) 2021-2022 — Global Health Academy Lecture 3: Healthy Ageing Communities in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic (April 7, 2021)
教育活動(クラス指導・課外活動指導等) Monthly academic meeting
Juntendo University Global Health Virtual Research Meeting
Role: faculty in charge

Bimonthly Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing communities DIHAC
policy review meeting: International academic meeting

Class teaching
Other than class teaching
Extracurricular teaching
教育活動(臨床教育) Medical education Teaching

WHO Collaborating center program activity; Health system

Title: WHO SEARO Regional training program to improve teaching public health in medical schools in Southeast Asia region
Location: WHO collaborating center for medical education, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Trainees are professors and senior lectures in public health from 11-member state countries
Grant: WHO SEARO regional office, 2015
Lecture title which I taught in regional training program were
Lecture 1: Health system and Stake holders ( 1 hour)
Lecture 2: Tools and techniques of teaching public health ( 3 hours)
Facilitators for small group session:
Tittle 1: Burden of diseases in Southeast Asian countries (3 hours)
Title 2: Public Health competencies in Southeast Asia ( 3 hours)
Title 3: Assessment in teaching public health (3 hours)
Title 4: Developing a conceptual framework for public health competencies in each nation (3 hours)
Title 5: Faculty development (3 hours)
教育活動(他大学・他機関等の客員・兼任・非常勤講師等) Visiting Professor , Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Visiting Professor , Department of Public Health, ChiangMai Rajabjat University, ChiangMai, Thailand
学内運営(各種委員・役職等) On campus management
学内運営(ファカルティディベロップメントへの参加状況) Faculty development attendance
その他1(学生 課外活動成果) Student extracurricular
その他2(特筆すべき教育実績;自由記載) Notable achievement
Plenary lecture for The National Epidemiology Conference 2022 (NEC 2022) from 14th September 2022.Malaysian Association of Epidemiology
Current Public Health Situation in Myanmar
Myo Nyein Aung
The 80th Conference of Japanese Public Health Association 2021年12月22日 招待有り
Empowering families and integrating communities for the care of older people in Thailand: The results of cluster randomized controlled trial
Myo Nyein Aung
The Research Gate Conference: Nursing Practice and Health Care 2021: Sponsered by West Coast University USA 2021年10月8日 招待有り
Thailand Towards Digitization– the past, the present, the future and gray digital gap
Nadila Mulati, Saiyud Moolphate, Thin Nyein, Nyein Aung,Motoyuki Yuasa, Myo Nyein Aung
The 11th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2021) "Digital Humanities and COVID-19" 2021年9月8日
Salt and sugar content in the home -made food of diabetes and non-diabetes people in Myanmar and Thailand: a cross-cultural study
Myo Nyein Aung, Satomi Ueno, Ei Thizar Khin, Motoyuki Yuasa
International conference on "role of micronutrients- immunity and health", 2021, India 18-19 June 2021 2021年6月19日
ミョー アング ニエン
グローバルヘルス・エデュケーション・プログラム(G-HEP)2021-2022 グローバルヘルス 2021年4月7日 招待有り
Sustainable health promotion for the older people in Japanese communities in the era of COVID-19 pandemic
Myo Nyein Aung
The Research Gate Nursing and Health Care 2021 2021年2月27日 招待有り
Sustainable health promotion for the seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myo Nyein Aung
Digital DAAD Alumni Association meeting 2020, hosted by German Academic Exchange Service 2020年11月15日 招待有り
Health promotion and health education in the era of COVID-19
Myo Nyein Aung
Key-note lecture at the annual meeting of study group of occupational health society, Sanpo-kai, Japan 2020年9月13日 招待有り
Multinational meeting of 12 countries: Community response to COVID-19 pandemic containment measures in different countries.
Myo Nyein Aung(Moderator), Wei-Ti Chen, Rainer Brandl, Vandana Gerg Sarkari, Megde Nour, Monika Saraswati, Carlos Primero D Gundran, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Aung NaingSoe, Nhuyen Thi Dang Thu, Unyaporn Suthuvoravut, Khin Khin Gyi, Moyoyuki Yuasa
Multinational meeting of 12 countries: Community response to COVID-19 pandemic containment measures in different countries 2020年6月21日 招待有り
社会貢献(社会貢献・国際連携活動等) Social contribution
International collaborative activities

Implementation Science School
Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, London
社会貢献(新聞・雑誌記事及びTV・ラジオ番組出演等) Juntendo University
2021.11.19 (FRI)
~国際基準で評価された「日本モデル」を世界に向けて発信~ https://www.juntendo.ac.jp/news/20211119-01.html

大学ジャーナルオンライン 2021年11月25日
日本の高齢者コミュニティ、生活の質保持に寄与 順天堂大学

BuzzFeed News·公開 2020年7月20日
なぜアジアで新型コロナ感染者数が少ないのか? 現地で行われていた目からウロコの対策

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