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家崎 貴文(イエサキ タカフミ)

研究テーマ 血管生理学
研究業績(論文) Watanabe M, Nakamura K, Kato M, Okada T, Iesaki T. Chronic magnesium deficiency causes reversible mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening and impairs hypoxia tolerance in the rat heart. J Pharmacol Sci, 148( 2), P 197-280, 2022

Risa Nonaka*, Takafumi Iesaki* (* equal contribution), Aurelien Kerever, Eri Arikawa-Hirasawa. Increased Risk of Aortic Dissection with Perlecan Deficiency. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 28;23(1):315. doi: 10.3390/ijms23010315, 2021

Risa Nonaka* , Takafumi Iesaki*(* equal contribution) , Susana de Vega , Hiroyuki Daida , Takao Okada , Takako Sasaki , Eri Arikawa‐Hirasawa. Perlecan deficiency causes endothelial dysfunction by reducing the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Physiol Rep. 2015 Jan 27;3(1).

Yokoyama Y, Matsushita S, Iesaki T, Yamamoto T, Inaba H, Okada T, Amano A. Denervation of gastroepiploic artery graft can reduce vasospasm. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Mar;147(3):951-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2013.02.022. Epub 2013 Mar 8.

Hashimoto R, Katoh Y, Nakamura K, Itoh S, Iesaki T, Daida H, Nakazato Y, Okada T. Enhanced accumulation of adipocytes in bone marrow stromal cells in the presence of increased extracellular and intracellular [Ca2+]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Jin C, Wu J, Watanabe M, Okada T, Iesaki T. Mitochondrial K+ channels are involved in ischemic postconditioning in rat hearts. J Physiol Sci. 2012 Jul;62(4):325-32

Dohi T, Miyauchi K, Iesaki T, Tsuruta R, Tsuboi S, Ogita M, Kubota N, Kasai T, Yokoyama T, Daida H. Candesartan with pioglitazone protects against endothelial dysfunction and inflammatory responses in porcine coronary arteries implanted with sirolimus-eluting stents. Circ J. 75: 1098-1106, 2011

Watanabe M, Shinohara A, Matsukawa T, Chiba M, Wu J, Iesaki T, Okada T. Chronic magnesium deficiency decreases tolerance to hypoxia/reoxygenation injury in mouse heart. Life Sci. 88: 658-663, 2011

Fukao K, Shimada K, Naito H, Sumiyoshi K, Inoue N, Iesaki T, Kume A, Kiyanagi T, Hiki M, Hirose K, Matsumori R, Ohsaka H, Takahashi Y, Toyoda S, Itoh S, Miyazaki T, Tada N, Daida H.Voluntary Exercise Ameliorates the Progression of Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation via Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2010 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print]

Kubota N, Miyauchi K, Kasai T, Iesaki T, Kajimoto K, Sumiyoshi K, Dohi T, Daida H. Synergistic effects of calcium-channel and Angiotensin-receptor blockers on endothelial function and inflammatory responses in a porcine drug-eluting stent model. Circ J. 74: 1704-1710, 2010

Hashimoto R, Katoh Y, Itoh S, Iesaki T, Daida H, Nakazato Y, Okada T. T-type Ca2+ channel blockers increase smooth muscle progenitor cells and endothelial progenitor cells in culture by suppression of cell death. Ann Vasc Dis. 3: 117-126, 2010

Shi J, Iesaki T, Kubota N, Sumiyoshi K, Kajimoto K, Kikuchi K, Daida H, Amano A. Skeletonization with an ultrasonic scalpel is as safe as a non-skeletonized dissection in preserving the endothelial function of the human gastroepiploic artery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 8: 216-220, 2009

Zhou H, Nakamura T, Matsumoto N, Hisatsune C, Mizutani A, Iesaki T, Daida H, Mikoshiba K: Predominant role of type 1 IP3 receptor in aortic vascular muscle contraction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 369: 213-219, 2008

Sumiyoshi K, Mokuno H, Iesaki T, Shimada K, Miyazaki T, Kume A, Kiyanagi T, Kuremoto K, Watanabe Y, Tada N, Daida H. Deletion of the Fc receptors gamma chain preserves endothelial function affected by hypercholesterolaemia in mice fed on a high-fat diet. Cardiovasc Res 80: 463-470, 2008

Yanagisawa N, Shimada K, Miyazaki T, Atsumi K, Kitamura Y, Sumiyoshi K, Kiyanagi T, Iesaki T, Inoue N, Daida H. Enhanced production of nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in very long chain saturated fatty acid-accumulated macrophages. Lipids Health Dis. 7: 48, 2008

Njaman W, Iesaki T, Iwama Y, Daida H: Serum uric acid as a prognostic predictor in pulmonary arterial hypertension with connective tissue disease. Int Heart J 48: 523-532, 2007

Azuma K, Toyofuku Y, Iesaki T, Otsuka A, Tanaka A, Mita T, Hirose T, Tanaka Y, Daida H, Kawamori R, Watada H: Acarbose, an α-glucosidase inhibitor, improves endothelial dysfunction in Goto-Kakizaki rats exhibiting repetitive blood glucose fluctuation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 345: 688-693, 2006

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