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水野 信也(ミズノ シンヤ)
研究テーマ | 応用数学、統計数学 |
研究業績(論文) | Haruka Ohba, Yuki Komiyama, Shinya Mizuno, "Closed BCMP Queueing Network Optimization with Supercomputer Fugaku," The 6th R-CCS International Symposium List of Accepted Posters, 2024年1月. Haruka Ohba, Koji Ishizuka, Shinya Mizuno, "Development of a Vehicle Routing Model for School Lunch Centers in Japan," Program & Abstract Proceedings Book The 7th Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, 46-46, 2023年12月. Momona Tamagawa, Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, "Optimizing Facilities by Adjusting Node and Server Numbers in a Closed BCMP Queueing Network," Program & Abstract Proceedings Book The 7th Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, 43-43, 2023年12月. Haruka Ohba, Hanabusa Takahiro, Kawamura Yoshihiro, Shinya Mizuno, "Construction and validation of a road grade estimation model using a state-space model," 22-24, 2023年10月. Haruka Ohba, "Development of Bayesian network-based regional healthcare analysis model for data-driven approach," 23, 156-165, 2023年10月. 大場 春佳, 水野 信也, 藤澤 由和, "ソーシャルネットワーク理論とDEAを用いた研究水準維持向上のための分析," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス論文誌, 7(1), 1-7, 2023年3月. Shinya Mizuno, Haruka Ohba, "Optimizing intra-facility crowding in Wi-Fi environments using continuous-time Markov chains," Discover Internet of Things, 2(1), 2022年9月12日. "Machine learning-based turbulence-risk prediction method for the safe operation of aircrafts," Journal of Big Data, 9(1), 2022年3月7日. 大場 春佳, 奥野 雅矢, 定塚 政盛, 水野 信也, "AHPと最大重みマッチング問題を連携した就職活動マッチングアルゴリズムの開発," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス学会論文誌, 6(1), 13-20, 2022年3月. 最終著者, 責任著者. Shinya MIZUNO, Haruka OHBA, Tatsuo YANAGAWA, Keiko KOYANO, Shuhei IIDA, Tokimune KOU, Hajime OKUNO, Naokazu YAMAKI, "Simulation of Severity of Diabetic Nephropathy Using a Markov Chain," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス学会論文誌, 5(1), 35-44, 2021年3月. 熊崎 健斗, 大場 春佳, 定國 伸吾, 松田 崇, 水野 信也, "夕焼け予報システムの構築と観光資源創出の取り組み," 経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集, 202011, 81-84, 2021年. Shinya MIZUNO, Haruka OHBA, Koji ITO, "Analysis of Critical Factors of Aircraft Operations’ Efficiency," Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 70(4E), 211-221, 2020年1月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, "Evaluation for A Simulation of Optimal Node Placement Using Agent-Based Model," Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science 2019 (APIEMS2019), 2019年12月. Moe Unno, Yusuke Suzuki, Shinya Mizuno, "Issues and effects of information infrastructure operation for SIST," 2019 International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, 15-15, 2019年7月. Shinya MIZUNO, Haruka OHBA, Atsuo KAKEHI, Yoshikazu FUJISAWA, "Evaluation of the medical service environment for a second medical area using data envelope analysis," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス論文誌, 3(1), 27-33, 2019年3月. Haruka Ohba, Moe Unno, Yusuke Suzuki, Shinya Mizuno, "Construction for an Effective Utilization of Video Content platform," MMCTSE2019, Conference Program (32), 2019年2月. Shinya MIZUNO, Kou SUZUKI, Hirohisa IMAI, Naokazu YAMAKI, "Effect of Simulated Cooperation on Optimal Node Placement Using a Queuing Network," Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 69(4E), 220-228, 2019年1月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, "Proposal for ambulance nodes optimum arrangement at second medical area using M/G/c queue," APIEMS2018: The 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2018年12月. 大場 春佳, 石塚 浩司, 西田 芳, 大石 隆之, 水野 信也, "給食残菜の可視化と今後へのアプローチ," 静岡理工科大学紀要, 26, 1-7, 2018年12月. 水野 信也, "IRプラットフォーム構築と退学原因調査の活用事例," 静岡理工科大学紀要, 26, 9-15, 2018年12月. 海野 萌, 大場 春佳, 鈴木 祐介, 水野 信也, "タイムスタンプとアイトラッキングを利用した動画コンテンツの効果的な利用と配信基盤の構築," 静岡理工科大学紀要, 26, 17-23, 2018年12月. 水野 信也, 大場 春佳, 伊藤 貢司, "ベイジアンネットワークを用いた乱気流発生要因の考察 : 旅客機の安全な離着陸のために (小特集 AIと社会実装)," シミュレーション = Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 37(4), 235-241, 2018年12月. Moe Unno, Haruka Ohba, Yusuke Suzuki, Shinya Mizuno, "Use timestamp and eye tracking to improve the quality of video content," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 230-233, 2018年11月19日. U.Moe, O.Haruka, S.Yusuke, Shinya Mizuno, "Using Timestamps and Eye-Tracking for an Effective Utilization of Video Content and the Construction of its Platform," 7th International Conference on Engineering Business Management (ICEBM2018), 2018年8月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, Yoshikazu Fujisawa, Masashi Uramatsu, Mikihiro Kano, Naoki Hirabayashi, Takahiro Souma, "Evaluation of Leadership in Nontechnical Skills," ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT FOR DATA-DRIVEN, INTELLIGENT, COLLABORATIVE, AND SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING, APMS 2018 535, 510-517, 2018年8月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, "Carriage evaluation using electric vehicles for traveling salesman problem," Proceedings to the 13th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, 24-24, 2018年7月. 水野 信也, 大場 春佳, 伊藤 貢司, "航空機のSide Slipが運航に及ぼす影響," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス学会論文誌, 2(1), 27-31, 2018年3月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, "Monitoring Assessment of Anesthesiologists during Operations Using Eye Tracking," ISMI 2018 IEEE SMILE 2018 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing and Intelligence IEEE; International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial Logistics Engineering, 50-50, 2018年2月. 鈴木 歩, 野口 俊樹, 水野 信也, "Office365を利用した統合認証プラットフオーム構築とその運用," 静岡理工科大学紀要, 25, 3-6, 2018年1月. Shinya MIZUNO, Masashi URAMATSU, Takahiro SOUMA, Haruka OHBA, Yoshikazu FUJISAWA, "Using Timestamps for an Effective Utilization of Video Content and the Construction of its Platform," Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue for IETC 2017, 906-911, 2017年12月. Ryotaro Suzuki, Shinya Mizuno, "Effect of simulation cooperation on optimal placement using Queuing Network," The 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS2017) Proceedings Abstracts, 27-27, 2017年12月. Haruka Ohba, Shinya Mizuno, Yoshikazu Fujisawa, Atsuo Kakehi, "Comparison of Health Care Provision Capacity in Second Medical Area and Improvement of Constituent Areas," The 4th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering Proceedings, 255-256, 2017年11月. 水野 信也, 藤澤 由和, 八卷 直一, "総合的類型化解析基盤の構築とその応用," 日本経営工学会論文誌, 68(2), 99-108, 2017年8月. Moe Unno, Shinya Mizuno, "Effective computation environment for the traveling salesman problem using three-dimensional information," Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), 265-269, 2017年7月. Nozue Yuta, Shinya Mizuno, "Expected duration of Iteration-Generating Activity," Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference Qualitative and Quantitative Economics Research (QQE2017) Proceedings of QQE2017, 50-53, 2017年6月. 水野 信也, 浦松 雅史, 岩崎 邦彦, 藤澤 由和, "医療機関選択に対するベイジアンネットワークを用いた患者意識の分析," 日本ソーシャルデータサイエンス学会論文誌, 1(1), 37-47, 2017年3月. Masashi Uramatsu, Yoshikazu Fujisawa, Shinya Mizuno, Takahiro Souma, Akinori Komatsubara, Tamotsu Miki, "Do failures in non-technical skills contribute to fatal medical accidents in Japan? A review of the 2010-2013 national accident reports," BMJ OPEN, 7(2), e013678, 2017年2月. Shinya Mizuno, Shogo Iwamoto, Mutsumi Seki, Naokazu Yamaki, "Proposal for ambulance nodes optimum arrangement using Queue," The 2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence Proceedings Program and Abstract Book, 33-33, 2014年8月. 水野 信也, 藤澤 由和, 浦松 雅史, 相馬 孝博, "外科領域におけるノンテクニカルスキルに注目したe-learningシステムの構築," JeLA会誌, 14(2014.7), 64-69, 2014年7月. Shinya Mizuno, Masaki Nagata, Mutsumi Seki, Haruki Inoue, Takahiro Hasegawa, Naokazu Yamaki, "Constructing, evaluating, and applying an automatic verification system for Virtual Private Servers," Japan Industrial Management Association, 64(4E), 601-613, 2014年7月. Shinya Mizuno, Shogo Iwamoto, Naokazu Yamaki, Yishui Zhu, "An optimized restriction driven TSP model for delivery business in cloud environment," The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Abstract, 77-77, 2013年12月. 水野 信也, 関 睦実, "Amazon EC2における教育基盤への効用 (10周年記念号)," JeLA会誌, 13(2013.7), 60-67, 2013年7月. 水野 信也, 塩崎 雅基, "総合的モバイル開発環境の導入事例 (10周年記念号)," JeLA会誌, 13(2013.7), 79-86, 2013年7月. Shinya Mizuno, Megumi Ishigami, Yui Maruyama, Naokazu Yamaki, Yasuyuki Muramatsu, Shogo Iwamoto, "Optimal Placement of Bikes Using Queueing Networks," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2013, 13(202), 109-114, 2013年7月. Shinya Mizuno, Shogo Iwamoto, Naokazu Yamaki, "Proposal of an Effective Computation Environment for the Traveling Salesman Problem Using Cloud Computing," JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN SYSTEMS AND MANUFACTURING, 6(5), 703-714, 2012年7月. 水野 信也, 関 睦実, "クラウドを利用した効果的な実習環境の構築," JeLA会誌, 12(2012.7), 99-104, 2012年7月. Shinya Mizuno, Masaki Nagata, Mutsumi Seki, Haruki Inoue, Takahiro Hasegawa, "Construction and evaluation of automatic verification system for Virtual Private Server," Proceedings of the IIE Asian Conference 2012, Asian Conference 2012, 404-411, 2012年6月. Shinya Mizuno, Shogo Iwamoto, Eizo Takai, Naokazu Yamaki, "Proposal of effective computation environment for TSP using Cloud Computing," 2011, International Symposium on Scheduling 2011, 11(205), 259-262, 2011年7月. 水野 信也, "総合的ネットワークフローモデルにおける数学的解析とその応用," 静岡大学博士論文, 1-74, 2008年3月23日. Shinya Mizuno, Yutaka Sakuma, Masakiyo Miyazawa, "A QUEUEING MODEL FOR LOCAL TRAFFICS TO JOIN A MAIN STREAM UNDER A LEADING SPACE CONDITION," 49(4), 319-331, 2006年. S. Mizuno, M. Miyazawa, "A queueing model for local traffics to join a main stream under a leading space condition," IFORS 1999 Triennial Conference (IFORS'99), August 16-20, 1999 (Beijing, China), 1999年. |
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