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藤井 里美(フジイ サトミ)

研究テーマ 高等教育機関に通う学習者の言語教育に関して、等
研究業績(論文) Fujii, S. (2023). Students' initial level of vocabulary and their CLIL course test performances: The case of CEFR A2-level university students in Japan. The Journal of Institute for Language and Education Research, 40, 131-144.

Fujii, S. (2022). Assessing the effects of CLIL on Japanese EFL university students’ receptive vocabulary knowledge. The Journal of Institute for Language and Education Research, 39, 123-136.

Fujii, S. (2021). Vocabulary learning processes of Japanese EFL university students in a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) course. The Journal of Institute for Language and Education Research, 38, 167-182.

研究者 教育活動