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中村 絵美(ナカムラ エミ)

研究テーマ 成長期野球選手の投球障害予防
研究業績(論文) https://researchmap.jp/emnaka

Sakata J,Ishikawa H,Inoue R, Urata D, Ohinata J, Kimoto T, Emi Nakamura, Miyazaki T, Matsui T, Watanabe H, Muraki T, Morimoto M, Egawa T, Kurokawa D, Furushima K, Morihara T, Yamazaki T, Yamamoto N:Physical functions, to be or not to be a risk factor for osteochondritis dissecans of the humeral capitellum? JSES international 6(6) 1072-1077, 2022.

Use R, Nakamura E, Sato T, Ishikawa T, Sato K:The number of picthers per game and pitches thrown by each pitcher in Junior High School before and after the introduction of the limited pitchers' rule in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare, 22(1);25-31,2022.

Kuratsubo R, Kawabata M, Nakamura E, Yoshimoto M, Tsunoda S, Takazawa Y, Watanabe H: Lifestyle Changes and Baseball Activity among Youth Baseball Players before and during the First COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. Children (Basel, Switzerland) 9(3) 2022.


Nakamura E, Edama M, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Hirabayashi R, Yamamoto N, Kubo M:Impact of Physical Functions on Location of arm pain in youth baseball players. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, Vol8(4),156-164,2019.

Sakata J, Nakamura E, Suzuki T, Suzukawa M, Akeda M, Yamazaki T, Ellenbecker S, Hirose N:Throwing Injuries in Youth Baseball Players: Can a Prevention Program Help? A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol.47(11),2709-2716,2019.

Sakata J, Nakamura E, Suzuki T, Suzukawa M, Akaike A, Shimizu K, Hirose N:Efficacy of a prevention program for medial elbow injuries in youth baseball players.American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol.46(2),4460-469,2018

Sakata J, Nakamura E, Suzukawa M, Akaike A, Shimizu K. Physical Risk Factors for a Medial Elbow Injury in Junior Baseball Players. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol.45(1),135-143,2017.


研究者 教育活動