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姉帯 飛高(アネタイ ヒダカ)

研究テーマ 肉眼解剖学、比較解剖学、臨床解剖学
研究業績(論文) <英文原著・筆頭著者/責任著者>
◎Anetai H, Kato K, Kudoh H, Sakai T, Ichimura K
Structural re-evaluation of the human gluteus maximus muscle
Research Square, 2024

◎Anetai H, Tokita K, Kojima R, Toriumi T, Kageyama I, Kumaki K
An atypical inferior gluteal artery passing through the piriformis muscle.
Surg Radiol Anat 46(1) 59-64, 2024

◎Anetai H, Tokita K, Kojima R, Hirasaki E, Sakai T, Ichimura K.
Relationship between the lumbosacral plexus deviation and 12th rib length in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata).
Anat Sci Int 97: 391-398, 2022

◎Anetai H, Kinose S, Sakamoto R, Onodera R, Kato K, Kawasaki Y, Miyaki T, Kudoh H, Sakai T, Ichimura K.
Anatomic characterization of the tibial and fibular nutrient arteries in humans.
Anat Sci Int 96: 378-385, 2021

Tokita K, ◎Anetai H (co-first author), Kojima R, Banneheka S, Aizawa Y, Naito M, Nakano T, Kageyama I, Kumaki K.
Relationship of segmental variations in the human lumbar plexus to the length of the 12th rib.
Ann Anat 233: 151592, 2021

◎Anetai H, Tokita K, Sakamoto M, Midorikawa-Anetai S, Kojima R.
Anatomic characterization of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery in the fetal pig (Sus scrofa domestica).
Folia Morphol 80: 549-556, 2021

◎Anetai H, Tokita K, Kojima R, Aizawa Y, Kageyama I, Kumaki K.
Variations in the course of the superior gluteal artery in relation to the lumbosacral plexus.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 94(2), 45-54, 2017

◎Anetai H.
Morphological variations of the superior gluteal artery based on observations of the peripheral nervous system.
Saitama Medical University, 2014

Ohgoshi Y, ◎Anetai H, Hanai S, Ichimura K, Kawagoe I
The key to success in blocking lateral cutaneous branches with re‑modified thoracoabdominal nerves block through perichondrial approach: a newly discovered space between the endothoracic fascia, diaphragm, and costodiaphragmatic recess
J Anesth (in press)

Ohgoshi Y, Kawagoe I, ◎Anetai H, Ichimura K.
Injectate spread after superficial injection of thoracoabdominal nerves block through the perichondrial approach
Can J Anesth 70(7) 1266-1267, 2023

Anetai S, Tokita K, ◎Anetai H, Kojima R, Aizawa Y, Kageyama I, Kumaki K, Hirasaki E, Endo H.
Morphological significance of the medial brachial cutaneous nerve: An anatomical study of the brachial plexus in primates.
Primates 64: 261-272, 2023

Hanami M, ◎Anetai H, Anetai S, Kojima R, Tokita K.
Anatomical study of the cardiac conduction system in swine hearts.
Anat Histol Embryol 52: 312-317, 2023

Tojima S, ◎Anetai H, Koike K, Anetai S, Tokita K, Leigh C, Kumaratilake J.
Gross anatomy of the gluteal and posterior thigh muscles in koalas based on their innervations.
PLoS ONE 17: e0261805, 2022

Tojima S, ◎Anetai H, Koike K, Anetai S, Tokita K, Leigh C, Kumaratilake J.
Gross anatomy of the gluteal and posterior thigh muscles in koalas based on their innervations.
bioRxiv, 2021 (Preprint)

Kimura N, Kato K, ◎Anetai H, Kawasaki Y, Miyaki T, Kudoh H, Sakai T, Ichimura K.
Anatomical study of the soleus: application to improved imaging diagnoses.
Clin Anat 34: 991-1001, 2021


時田幸之輔, 後藤遼佑, 小島龍平, 坂本雅貴, ◎姉帯飛高, 布施裕子, 姉帯(緑川)沙織, 本間俊作, 矢野航, 櫻屋透真, 影山幾男, 三浦真弘
形態科学 26(2) 73-92, 2023

姉帯(緑川)沙織, 時田幸之輔, ◎姉帯飛高, 小島龍平
特集:新型コロナウイルス感染対策と授業 オンラインによる骨学実習・中枢神経系解剖学実習の試み
形態・機能 19: 26-32, 2021

◎姉帯飛高, 時田幸之輔, 小島龍平, 平崎鋭矢, 坂井建雄, 市村浩一郎.
第128回日本解剖学会シンポジウム, 2023

◎姉帯飛高, 坂井建雄.
第73回日本人類学会-ヒト・霊長類比較解剖学分科会シンポジウム, 2019

◎姉帯飛高, 時田幸之輔, 小島龍平, 相澤幸夫, 影山幾男, 熊木克治.
京都大学霊長類研究所共同利用研究会, 2013

◎姉帯飛高, 時田幸之輔, 小島龍平, 相澤幸夫, 影山幾男, 熊木克治.
第63回理学療法科学学会 肉眼解剖学シンポジウム, 2013

◎姉帯飛高, 時田幸之輔, 小島龍平, 相澤幸夫, 影山幾男, 熊木克治.
第66回日本人類学会 軟部人類学シンポジウム, 2012



研究者 教育活動