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和氣 秀文(ワキ ヒデフミ)
研究テーマ | 病態、運動および特殊環境における中枢性循環調節機序について |
研究業績(論文) | (著書) 和気秀文他(監修):「からだがみえる」人体の構造と機能. 株式会社メディックメディア, 東京, 2023 和氣秀文:なぜからはじまる体の科学 「動く」編,東京, 保育社,2022 和氣秀文, 山中航:「第2章 運動と健康 2.心身の健康を支える体力と運動」 (編)曽根博仁『すべての診療科で役立つ身体運動学と運動療法』,羊土社,東京,2022 和気秀文他:特集 宇宙航空医学の現状と展望6 宇宙医学における自律神経性心血管調節に関する研究.Precision Medicine Vol.4 No.9, pp30-33, 2021 和気秀文:7 健康・スポーツ生理学(4) 呼吸・循環,「健康・スポーツ科学研究('21)」関根紀子編,放送大学教育振興会,pp107-127, 2021 和気秀文:10 健康・スポーツの科学的理解(2) 呼吸・循環系と運動,「健康・スポーツ科学研究('21)」関根紀子編,放送大学教育振興会, pp162-181, 2021 山中 航, 和気 秀文:運動時の動機づけと情動〜線条体と扁桃体に着目して.体育の科学, 70(11) pp778-782, 2020 和気秀文他:健康寿命延伸に寄与する体力医学(12) 運動トレーニングによる高血圧改善の機序-中枢性機序を中心に. 医学のあゆみ Vol.270 No.2, pp203-209, 2019 (別冊「医学のあゆみ」 健康寿命延伸に寄与する体力医学, pp36-42, 2020) 和気秀文他:「医師・コメディカルのためのメディカルフィットネス」第4章心臓循環器系疾患 高血圧 社会保険研究所, 東京, pp90-94, 2019 和気秀文他(監修):「病気がみえるvol.11運動器・整形外科(第1版)」運動器の生理. 株式会社メディックメディア, 東京, pp8-38, 2017 和気秀文: 「ニュー運動生理学(I)(II)」第11章 運動と循環-4,心血管の中枢性調節. 宮村実晴編集, 真興交易株式会社医書出版部, 東京, 2014 和気秀文: 「血圧」特集 炎症・免疫と高血圧、中枢炎症と高血圧. 血圧 Vol.20, No11, 先端医学社, 東京, 1074-1078, 2013 和気秀文:「身体運動と呼吸・循環機能」II循環機能-4. 孤束核と循環調節との関係. 宮村実晴編集, 真興交易株式会社医書出版部, 東京, pp218-227, 2012 向阪彰, 和気秀文, 前田正信:「心臓・循環の生理学」第4章 心拍の開始とその神経性調節(翻訳). J.R. Levick著,「An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology, 5th ed」, メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル, 東京, pp49-63, 2011 和気秀文, 小宮秀明, 淵本隆文, 鈴木政登: 「運動処方の指針(原書第8版)」 第4章 健康関連体力テストおよびその解釈(翻訳). 「ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription; 8th Edition」, 南江堂, 東京, pp60-104, 2011 和気秀文, 前田正信: 「エッセンシャル神経科学」第22章 自律神経系(翻訳). Allan Siegel & Hreday N. Sapru 著,「Essential Neuroscience」, 丸善株式会社, 東京, pp373-398, 2008 Paton JFR, Waki H, Raizada M and Kasparov S: Genes Regulating Cardiovascular Function As Revealed Using Viral Vectors. In Neural Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation Eds. Dun N.J., Machado, B.M. & Pilowsky, P.M., Ch18, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, pp399-408, 2004 Shimizu T, Yamasaki M, Waki H, Katsuda S, Oishi H, Katahira K, Nagayama T, Miyake M and Miyamoto Y: Development of the aortic baroreflex in microgravity. In The Neurolab, Spacelab Mission: Neuroscience Research in Space. Eds. Jay C. Buckey, Jr. & Jerry L. Homick, NASA SP 2003 535, pp151-159, 2003 (論文) Ezure S, Ichihara H, Yamanaka K, Waki H. Functional connectivity in central nucleus of amygdala, paraventricular hypothalamus, and nucleus tractus solitarii circuits during high-intensity endurance treadmill exercise in rats. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 12 (3) 69-75, 2023 doi: https://doi.org/10.7600/jpfsm.12.69 Abe T, Okuyama K, Kamada M, Kitayuguchi J, Hamano T, Waki H, Nabika T, Isomura M, Sundquist K. Association between flexibility activity and blood-pressure change among older adults in Japan: A 5-year longitudinal study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023 May 11. doi: 10.1111/sms.14386. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37167066 Nguyen TV, Yamanaka K, Tomita K, Zubcevic J, Gouraud SSS, Waki H. Impact of exercise on brain-bone marrow interactions in chronic stress: potential mechanisms preventing stress-induced hypertension. Physiol Genomics. 2023 May 1;55(5):222-234. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00168.2022. Tsukioka K, Yamanaka K, Waki H. Implication of the central nucleus of the amygdala in cardiovascular regulation and limiting maximum exercise performance during high-intensity exercise in rats Neuroscience. 2022 Jun 8;S0306-4522(22)00290-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.06.005. Yamanaka K and Waki H. Conditional regulation of blood pressure in response to emotional stimuli by the central nucleus of the amygdala in rats Front. Physiol., 01 June 2022 Pham LT, Yamanaka K, Miyamoto Y, Waki H, Gouraud S. Estradiol-dependent gene expression profile in the amygdala of young ovariectomized spontaneously hypertensive rats Physiol Genomics. 2022 Mar 1;54(3):99-114. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00082.2021. Epub 2022 Jan 31. PubMed Tomita H, Kamagata K, Andica C, Uchida W, Fukuo M, Waki H, Sugano H, Tange Y, Mitsuhashi T, Lukies M, Hagiwara A, Fujita S, Wada A, Akashi T, Murata S, Harada M, Aoki S, Naito H. Connectome analysis of male world-class gymnasts using probabilistic multishell, multitissue constrained spherical deconvolution tracking. J Neurosci Res. 2021 Oct;99(10):2558-2572 Yamanaka K, Waki H Maintenance of blood pressure in emotional context-based autonomic switching by the central nucleus of the amygdala in rats Research Square (Preprint), 24 Nov 2020, PPR: PPR244065 DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-109253/v1 Naito H, Shibata N, Takazawa Y, Waki H Achievements and prospects of Juntendo University Institute of Health and Sports Science & Medicine. Juntendo Medical Journal, 66 (Suppl.1): 108-113, 2020 Fukuo M, Kamagata K, Kuramochi M, Andica C, Tomita H, Waki H, Sugano H, Tange Y, Mitsuhashi T, Uchida W, Takenaka Y, Hagiwara A, Harada M, Goto M, Hori M, Aoki S, Naito H. Regional brain gray matter volume in world-class artistic gymnasts. J Physiol Sci. 2020 Sep 18;70(1):43. doi: 10.1186/s12576-020-00767-w. Andica C, Tomita H, Kamagata K, Uchida W, Murata S, Hagiwara A, Fukuo M, Waki H, Sugano H, Tange Y, Mitsuhashi T, Harada M, Naito H, HoriM, Aoki S: White matter myelin changes related to long-term intensive training in Japanese world-class gymnasts. Juntendo Medical Journal, 66(Suppl.1): 21-28, 2020 Kim J, Yamanaka K, Tsukioka K, Waki H:Potential Role of the Amygdala and Posterior Claustrum in Exercise Intensity-dependent Cardiovascular Regulation in Rats. Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 15;432:150-159. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.02.024. Epub 2020 Feb 26 Tsukioka K, Yamanaka K, Waki H: Effects of bilateral lesions in the central amygdala on spontaneous baroreceptor reflex in conscious rats J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 8 (1): 45-50, 2019. Suzuki M, Hozumi N, Waki H, Kimura M, Seino T, Onuma N, Shindo D : Effects of combined therapy of ACE inhibitor and exercise on cardiovascular functions and morphology of the heart and kidneys in SHR. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 8 (5): 229-240, 2019. doi: 10.7600/jpfsm.8.229 Onishi M, Yamanaka K, Miyamoto Y, Waki H, Gouraud S. Trpv4 involvement in the sex differences in blood pressure regulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Physiol Genomics. 2018 Apr 1;50(4):272-286. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00096.2017. Epub 2018 Jan 26. PubMed PMID: 29373075. Nakao T, Kohsaka A, Otsuka T, Thein ZL, Le HT, Waki H, Gouraud SS, Ihara H, Nakanishi M, Sato F, Muragaki Y, Maeda M. Impact of heart-specific disruption of the circadian clock on systemic glucose metabolism in mice. Chronobiol Int. 2018 Apr;35(4):499-510. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2017.1415922. Yamanaka K, Takagishi M, Kim J, Gouraud SS, Waki H(corresponding author). Bidirectional cardiovascular responses evoked by microstimulation of the amygdala in rats. J Physiol Sci. 2017 Jan 23: 68(3): 233-242. doi:10.1007/s12576-017-0523-2. Suzuki M, Shindo D, Suzuki R, Shirataki Y, Waki H. Combined long-term caffeine intake and exercise inhibits the development of diabetic nephropathy in OLETF rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 May 1;122(5):1321-1328. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00278.2016. Yamanaka K, Gouraud SS, Takagishi M, Kohsaka A, Maeda M, Waki H(corresponding author). Evidence for a histaminergic input from the ventral tuberomamillary nucleus to the solitary tract nucleus involved in arterial pressure regulation. Physiol.Rep., 4(24) e13095, 2016 Marvar PJ, Hendy EB, Cruise TD, Walas D, DeCicco D, Vadigepalli R, Schwaber JS, Waki H, Murphy D, Paton JF. Systemic leukotriene B4 receptor antagonism lowers arterial blood pressure and improves autonomic function in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. J Physiol., 594(20): 5975-5989, 2016 Waki H(corresponding author), Yamanaka K, Takagishi M, Gouraud S: The brain histaminergic system in regulating the cardiovascular system: implications for brain mechanisms underlying exercise-induced cardiovascular responses. Juntendo Medical Journal, 62 (Suppl 1): 81-86, 2016 Gouraud SS, Takagishi M, Kohsaka A, Maeda M, Waki H: Altered neurotrophic factors expression profiles in the nucleus of the solitary tract of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Physiol. (Oxf), doi: 10.1111/apha.12618, 2015 Sakata S, Hanaoka T, Ishizawa R, Iwami K, Takada Y, Imagita H, Minematsu A, Waki H, Nakatani A: Poor wheel-running exercise can decrease blood pressure through hormonal control and increase endurance exercise capacity in middle-aged normal rats. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 3: 10-24, 2015 Kohsaka A, Das P, Hashimoto I, Nakao T, Deguchi Y, Gouraud SS, Waki H, Muragaki Y, Maeda M: The circadian clock maintains cardiac function by regulating mitochondrial metabolism in mice. PLoS One, 9(11):e112811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112811. 2014 Sakata S, Nakatani A, Waki H: Possible mechanisms underlying wheel-running-induced hypotensive effects. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 3(4): 429-433, 2014 Waki H (corresponding author), Takagishi M, Gouraud SS: Central mechanisms underlying anti-hypertensive effects of exercise training. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 3(3): 317-325, 2014 Katsuda S, Yamasaki M, Waki H, Miyake M, O-ishi H, Katahira K, Nagayama T, Miyamoto Y, Hasegawa M, Wago H, Okouchi T, Shimizu T: Spaceflight affects postnatal development of the aortic wall in rats. Biomed Res Int, 2014:490428. doi: 10.1155/2014/490428, 2014 Sueta D, Koibuchi N, Hasegawa Y, Toyama K, Uekawa K, Katayama T, Ma MJ, Nakagawa T, Waki H, Masanobu Maeda M, Ogawa H: Blood pressure variability, impaired autonomic function and vascular senescence in aged spontaneously hypertensive rats are ameliorated by angiotensin blockade. Atherosclerosis, 236(1):101-107, 2014 Takagishi M, Gouraud SS, Bhuiyan ME, Kohsaka A, Maeda M, Waki H (corresponding author): Activation of histamine H1 receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii attenuates cardiac baroreceptor reflex function in rats. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 211: 73-81, 2014 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud S: Brain inflammation in neurogenic hypertension. World J Hypertens 4: 1-6, 2014. Sueta D, Kataoka K, Koibuchi N, Toyama K, Uekawa K, Katayama T, Mingjie M, Nakagawa T, Waki H, Maeda M, Yasuda O, Matsui K, Ogawa H, Kim-Mitsuyama S: Novel mechanism for disrupted circadian blood pressure rhythm in a rat model of metabolic syndrome--the critical role of angiotensin II. J Am Heart Assoc, 2, e000035, doi: 10.1161/JAHA.113.000035, 2013 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud S, Bhuiyan MER, Takagishi M, Kohsaka A, Maeda M: Transcriptome of the NTS in exercise-trained spontaneously hypertensive rats: implications for NTS function and plasticity in regulating blood pressure. Physiological Genomics, 45: 58-67, 2013 Waki H, Hendy EB, Hindmarch CCT, Gouraud S, Toward T, Kasparov S, Murphy D, Paton JFR: Excessive leukotriene B4 in nucleus tractus solitarii is pro- hypertensive in spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension, 61: 194-201, 2013 和気秀文、Gouraud S、Bhuiyan MER、高岸美和、向阪彰、前田正信: 高血圧発症の中枢性機序―延髄孤束核の役割を中心に―. 自律神経, 50: 171-174, 2013 Xu H, Oliveira-Sales EB, McBride F, Liu B, Hewinson J, Toward M, Hendy EB, Graham D, Dominiczak AF, Giannotta M, Waki H, Ascione R, Paton JF, Kasparov S: Upregulation of junctional adhesion molecule-A is a putative prognostic marker of hypertension. Cardiovasc Res, 96: 552-560, 2012 Waki H (corresponding author): Central mechanisms of cardiovascular regulation during exercise -integrative functions of the nucleus tractus salitarii-. JPFSM, 1: 253-261, 2012 Kohsaka A, Waki H, Cui H, Gouraud SS, Maeda M: Integration of metabolic and cardiovascular diurnal rhythms by circadian clock. Endocr J, 59: 447-456, 2012 Waki H (corresponding author), Bhuiyan MER, Gouraud SS, Takagishi M, Hatada A, Kohsaka A, Paton JFR, Maeda M: Acute reductions in blood flow restricted to the dorsomedial medulla induce a pressor response in rats. J Hypertension, 29: 1536-1545, 2011 Bhuiyan MER, Waki H (contributed equally to the first author; corresponding author), Gouraud SS, Takagishi M, Kohsaka A, Maeda M: Histamine receptor H1 in the nucleus tractus solitarii regulates arterial pressure and heart rate in rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 310: H523-H529, 2011 Cui H, Kohsaka A, Waki H, Bhuiyan MER, Gouraud SS, Maeda M: Metabolic cycles are linked to the cardiovascular diurnal rhythm in rats with essential hypertension. PLoS One, 6: e17339, 2011 Suzuki M, Shindo D, Kimura M, Waki H: Effects of exercise, diet, and their combination therapies on metabolic syndrome related parameters in OLETF rats. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 21: 222-232, 2011 Gouraud SS, Waki H (corresponding author), Bhuiyan MER, Takagishi M, Kohsaka A, Maeda M: Increased anti-apoptotic conditions in the nucleus tractus solitarii of spontaneously hypertensive rat. Auton Neurosci, 162: 15-23, 2011 Gouraud SS, Waki H (contributed equally to the first author; corresponding author), Bhuiyan MER, Takagishi M, Cui H, Kohsaka A. Paton JFR, Maeda M: Down-regulation of chemokine Ccl5 gene expression in the NTS of SHR may be pro-hypertensive. J Hypertension, 29 : 732-740, 2011 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud SS, Maeda M, Raizada MK, Paton JFR: Contributions of vascular inflammation in the brainstem for neurogenic hypertension. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 178: 422-428, 2011 Zubcevic J, Waki H, Raizada MK, Paton JFR: Autonomic-Immune-Vascular Interaction: An Emerging Concept for Neurogenic Hypertension. Hypertension, 57: 1026-1033, 2011 Takagishi M, Waki H (corresponding author), Bhuiyan MER, Gouraud S, Kohsaka A, Cui H, Yamazaki T, Paton JF, Maeda M: IL-6 microinjected into the nucleus tractus solitarii attenuates cardiac baroreceptor reflex function in rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 298: R183-190, 2010 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud SS, Maeda M, Paton JF: Evidence of specific inflammatory condition in nucleus tractus solitarii of neurogenic hypertension. Exp Physiol, 95: 595-600, 2010 和気秀文: 延髄孤束核における炎症反応と高血圧発症との関係 ―神経性高血圧の新しい発症機序の提案―. 自律神経, 47: 218-220, 2010 前田正信、向阪彰、岸岡史郎、岩橋秀夫、池田裕明、竹下達也、宮下和久、有田幹雄、冨田耕太郎、和気秀文: 柿による悪酔い防止の生理学的研究. 自律神経, 47: 32-38, 2010 Bhuiyan MER, Waki H (corresponding author), Takagishi M, Gouraud SS, Cui H, Yamazaki T, Kohsaka A, Maeda M: Complex cardiovascular actions of -adrenergic receptors expressed in the nucleus tractus solitarii of rats. Exp Physiol, 94: 773-784, 2009 Waki H (corresponding author), Katahira K, Yamasaki M, Katsuda S, Shimizu T, Maeda M: Cardiovascular regulation during upright standing behavior in conscious rats. Neurosci Lett, 449: 10-14, 2009 Waki H (corresponding author), Yamasaki M, Katahira K, Katsuda S, Shimizu T, Maeda M: Chronic inhibition of standing behavior alters baroreceptor reflex function in rats. Acta Physiol (Oxf), 195, 349-355, 2009 Dutschmann M, Waki H (equally contributed first author), Manzke T, Simms AE, Pickering AE, Richter DW, Paton JF: The potency of different serotonergic agonists in counteracting opioid evoked cardiorespiratory disturbances. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 364:2611-2623, 2009 Zubcevic J, Waki H, Diez-Freire C, Gampel A, Raizada MK, Paton JF: Chronic blockade of phosphoinositide-3-kinase in the nucleus tractus solitarii is pro-hypertensive in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension, 53: 97-103, 2009 Yukawa K, Tanaka T, Takeuchi N, Iso H, Li L, Kohsaka A, Waki H, Miyajima M, Maeda M, Kikutani H, Kumanogoh A: Sema4D/CD100 deficiency leads to superior performance in mouse motor behavior. Can J Neurol Sci, 36:349-355, 2009 Cui H, Kohsaka A, Waki H, Gouraud S, Nakamura T, Yukawa K, Hatada A, Bhuiyan MER, Maeda M: Adrenomedullin 2 microinjection into nucleus tractus solitarius elevates arterial pressure and heart rate in rats. Auton Neurosci, 142: 45-50, 2008 Yukawa K, Tanaka T, Takeuchi N, Waki H, Kohsaka A, Maeda M: Controlling death-associated protein kinase activity to protect kidney cell suicide in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Jpn J Clin Physiol, 38: 243-250, 2008 Yamazaki T, Waki H, Kohsaka A, Nakamura T, Cui H, Yukawa K, Maeda M: Microinjection of urocortin into the nucleus tractus solitarii decreases arterial blood pressure in rats. Auton Neurosci, 142: 51-54, 2008 Waki H (corresponding author), Yamasaki M, Katahira K, Katsuda S, Maeda M, Shimizu T: Developmental changes in functional characteristics of aortic baroreceptor afferents in rats. Exp Physiol, 93: 319-324, 2008 Waki H (corresponding author), Shimizu T, Yamasaki M, Katahira K, Katsuda S, Polson JW, Maeda M: Ramp rate of blood pressure changes does not affect aortic afferent sensitivity in anesthetized rats. Neurosci Lett, 448: 37-40, 2008 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud SS, Maeda M, Paton JF: Gene expression profiles of major cytokines in the nucleus tractus solitarii of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Auton Neurosci, 142: 40-44, 2008 Waki H (corresponding author), Gouraud SS, Maeda M, Paton JF: Specific inflammatory condition in nucleus tractus solitarii of the SHR: Novel insight for neurogenic hypertension? Auton Neurosci, 142: 25-31, 2008 Paton JF, Waki H: Is neurogenic hypertension related to vascular inflammation of the brainstem? Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 33: 89-94, 2008 Maeda M, Waki H, Kohsaka A, Yukawa K, Nakamura T: The Sympathoexcitatory Pathway from the CVL to the RVL for Controlling Brain Vessels. Tzu Chi Med J, 20: 243-247, 2008 Maeda M, Ueta Y, Waki H, Paton JF: New insights into central control mechanisms of circulation. (Editorial). Auton Neurosci, 142, 2008 前田正信、向阪 彰、和気秀文、中村 健: 自律神経の中枢性調節メカニズムと老年消化器. 老年消化器病, 21: 49-52, 2008 Waki H (corresponding author), Kasparov S, Liu B, Miyake M, Katahira K, Murphy D, Paton JF: Junctional adhesion molecule-1 is up regulated in the spontaneously hypertensive rat: evidence for a pro-hypertensive role within the brainstem. Hypertension, 49: 1321-1327, 2007 Waki H, Paton JF: Response to junctional adhesion molecule-1 may have a wider role in cardiovascular disease. (Letter to editor). Hypertension, 50: e23, 2007 Duale H, Waki H, Howorth P, Kasparov S, Teschemacher AG, Paton JF: Restraining influence of A2 neurons in chronic control of arterial pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Cardiovasc Res, 76, 184-193, 2007 St.-John, WM, Waki H, Dutschmann M and Paton JF: Maintenance of eupnea of in situ and in vivo rats following riluzole, a blocker of persistent sodium channels. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 155: 97-100, 2007 Paton JF, Waki H, Abdala AP, Dickinson J, Kasparov S: Vascular-brain signaling in hypertension: role of angiotensin II and nitric oxide. Curr Hypertens Rep, 9: 242-247, 2007 Polson J, McCallion N, Waki H, Thorne G, Tooley M, Paton JF, Wolf A: Evidence for cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in neonates with coarctation of the aorta. Circulation, 113: 2844-2850, 2006 Waki H, Murphy D, Yao ST, Kasparov S, Paton JF: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase in nucleus tractus solitarii contributes to hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension, 48: 644-650, 2006 Waki H (corresponding author), Katahira K, Polson JW, Kasparov S, Murphy D, Paton JF: Automation of analysis of cardiovascular autonomic function from chronic measurements of arterial pressure in conscious rats. Exp Physiol, 91: 201-213, 2006 Waki H (corresponding author), Katahira K, Yamasaki M, Nagayama T, Katsuda S, Wago H, Okouchi T, O-ishi H, Miyake M, Miyamoto Y, Shimizu T: Effects of spaceflight on postnatal development of arterial baroreceptor reflex in rats. Acta Physiol Scand, 184: 17-26, 2005 Sellers KW, Sun C, Diez-Freire C, Waki H, Morriseau C, Falck JF, Hammock BD, Paton JF, Raizada MK: Novel mechanism of brain soluble epoxide hydrolase-mediated blood pressure regulation in the SHR. FASEB Journal, 19: 626-628, 2005 Teschemacher AG, Wang S, Lonergan T, Duale H, Waki H, Paton JF, Kasparov S: Targeting specific neuronal populations using adeno- and lentiviral vectors: applications for imaging and studies of cell function. Exp Physiol, 90: 61-69, 2005 Yamasaki M, Shimizu T, Miyake M, Miyamoto Y, Katsuda S, O-Ishi H, Nagayama T, Waki H, Katahira K, Wago H, Okouchi T, Nagaoka S, Mukai C: Effects of space flight on the histological characteristics of the aortic depressor nerve in the adult rat: electron microscopic analysis. Biol Sci Space, 18: 45-51, 2004 Yamasaki M, Shimizu T, Katahira K, Waki H, Nagayama T, O-Ishi H, Katsuda S, Miyake M, Miyamoto Y, Wago H, Okouchi T, Matsumoto S: Spaceflight alters the fiber composition of the aortic nerve in the developing rat. Neuroscience, 128: 819-829, 2004 Katsuda S, Miyashita H, Hasegawa M, Machida N, Kusanagi M, Yamasaki M, Waki H, Hazama A: Characteristic change in local pulse wave velocity in different segments of the atherosclerotic aorta in KHC rabbits. Am J Hypertens, 17: 181-187, 2004 Waki H, Kasparov S, Wong LF, Murphy D, Shimizu T, Paton JF: Chronic inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity in nucleus tractus solitarii enhances baroreceptor reflex in conscious rats. J Physiol, 546: 233-242, 2003 Waki H, Kasparov S, Katahira K, Shimizu T, Murphy D, Paton JFR: Dynamic exercise attenuates spontaneous baroreceptor reflex sensitivity in conscious rats. Exp Physiol, 88: 517-526, 2003 Paton JFR, Waki H, Kasparov S: In vivo gene transfer to dissect neuronal mechanisms regulating cardiorespiratory function. Can J Physiol Pharm, 81: 311-316, 2003 Katsuda S, Waki H, Yamasaki M, Nagayama T, O-ishi H, Katahira K, Machida N, Hassegawa M, Shimizu T: Postnatal Changes in the Rheological Properties of the Aorta in Space-Dawley Rats. Exp Anim, 51: 83-93, 2002 Pickering AE, Waki H, Headley PM, Paton JF: Investigation of systemic bupivacaine toxicity using the in situ perfused working heart-brainstem preparation of the rat. Anesthesiology, 97: 1550-1556, 2002 Waki H (corresponding author), Shimizu T, Katahira K, Nagayama T, Yamasaki M, Katsuda S: Efects of microgravity elicited by parabolic flight on abdominal aortic pressure and heart rate in rats. J Applied Physiol, 93: 1893-1899, 2002 山崎将生、清水 強、和気秀文、勝田新一郎、三宅将生、大石浩隆、永山忠徳、宮本裕加子、片平清昭、松本茂二: 微小重力がラット大動脈神経性圧反射機構の発達に及ぼす影響. 宇宙航空環境医学, 39: 147-151, 2002 Waki H (corresponding author), Shimizu T, Katahira K, Nagayama T, Yamasaki M, Katsuda S: Recording of blood pressure, heart rate and aortic nerve activity during parabolic flight in the rat via radio-telemetry. J Gravit Physiol, 7: 169-170, 2000 Katsuda S, Waki H, Nagayama T, Yamasaki M, O-ishi H, Katahira K, Shimizu T: Time-dependent change in baroreflex control capacity of arterial pressure by pentobarbital anesthesia rabbits. 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