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町田 修一(マチダ シュウイチ)
研究テーマ | 骨格筋の萎縮、再生、肥大に関する分子メカニズムの解明と老化制御 |
研究業績(論文) | Liu Z, Sawada S, Deng P, Naito H, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Effect of Bodyweight-Based Resistance Training on Balance Ability and Fear of Falling in Community-Dwelling Older Japanese Women. Sports, Accepted for publication. Sawada S, Nishino A, Honda S, Tominaga Y, Makio S, Ozaki H, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Effect of resistance training and lemon myrtle extract on muscle size of older adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 14: 934-946, 2024. Liu Z, Sawada S, Naito H, Machida S (Corresponding Author). One-leg Standing Test with Eyes Open as A Screening Tool for Prefrailty in Community-dwelling Older Japanese Women. Healthcare, 12:2378, 2024.doi: 10.3390/healthcare12232378. Ohno K, Sawada S, Fujimaki N, Sakai K, Wakui S,Shibata N, Sato N, Naito H, Machida S(Corresponding Author). The association between mild cognitive impairment and physical function in older Japanese adults aged 75 years or older living in independent senior housing: a cross-sectional study. Healthcare, 12: 2106, 2024. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12212106. Hung Y-L, Sato A, Takino Y, Ishigami A, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Resistance training suppresses accumulation of senescent fibro-adipogenic progenitors and senescence-associated secretory phenotype in aging rat skeletal muscle. Geroscience, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s11357-024-01338-2. PMID: 39298108 Abe T, Machida S, Nakamura M, Kohmura Y, Suzuki K, Abe A, Nakano M, Loenneke JP, Naito H.Tracking handgrip strength in Kendo athletes from university to middle and older adulthood. Am J Hum Biol, e24082, 2024. Kurosaka Y, Nagasawa T, Minato K, Hasegawa-Tanaka T, Naito H, Wakui S, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Blood biomarkers for estimating energy intake in Japanese male collegiate athletes: a pilot study. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 15:150, 2023. Ishido M, Hung Y-L , Machida S. Aquaporin 4 Expression Level Is Decreased in Skeletal Muscles with Aging. Kobe J Med Sci 69: E40-E48, 2023. Abe T, Kohmura Y, Suzuki K, Someya Y, Loenneke JP, Machida S, Naito H.Handgrip Strength and Healthspan: Impact of Sports During the Developmental Period on Handgrip Strength (Juntendo Fitness Plus Study). Jutendo Medical Journal 69: 400-404, 2023. Kurosaka M, Hung Y-L, Machida S, Kohda K. IL-4 Signaling Promotes Myoblast Differentiation and Fusion by Enhancing the Expression of MyoD, Myogenin, and Myomerger. Cells 12: 1284, 2023. Komeno Y, Kuchiki T, Onodera Y, Machida S. Defecation Habits in Preschoolers Are Associated with Physical Activity: A Cross-Sectional and Isotemporal Substitution Analysis. Children 10:951, 2023. Abe T, Ozaki H, Abe A, Machida S, Naito H, Loenneke JP. Longitudinal changes of grip strength and forearm muscle thickness in young children. Physiol Int 110:267-276, 2023. Kamba M, Naito H, Ozaki H, Machida S, Katamoto S. Effect of Gear Ratio and Cadence on Gross Efficiency and Pedal Force Effectiveness during Multistage Graded Cycling Test Using a Road Racing Bicycle. Sports 11: 5, 2023. Abe T, Kohmura Y, Suzuki K, Someya Y, Loenneke JP, Machida S, Naito H. Athletes in sporting events with upper-body gripping movements have greater handgrip strength than those in sporting events that prioritize the lower body. Am J Hum Biol, e23891, 2023. 永澤貴昭, 黒坂裕香, 田中智美, 町田修一, 湊久美子. 男子大学生アスリートの栄養摂取状況と食品群別摂取頻度による評価点との関連性. 和洋女子大学紀要 64: 97-105, 2023. Ishihara Y, Ozaki H, Nakagata T, Yoshihara T, Natsume T, Kitada T, Ishibashi M, Deng P, Yamada Y, Kobayashi H, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H.Association between Daily Physical Activity and Locomotive Syndrome in Community-Dwelling Japanese Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(13):8164, 2022. Takisawa S,Takino Y,Lee J, Machida S, Ishigami A. Vitamin C is essential for the maintenance of skeletal muscle functions. Biology, 11: 955, 2022. Kumagai H, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Someya Y, Kidokoro T, Miller B, Kumagai ME, Yoshioka M, Choi Y, Tagawa K, Maeda S, Kohmura Y, Suzuki K, Machida S, Naito H, Fuku N.Sports activities at a young age decrease hypertension risk-The J-Fit + study. Physiol Rep, 10(12): e15364, 2022. Hung Y-L, Kosugi R, Natsume T, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Loquat leaf extract enhances muscle contraction-induced activation of protein synthesis signaling in rat skeletal muscle. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022: 2234118, 2022. Hung Y-L, Sato A, Takino Y, Ishigami A, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Influence of estrogen on satellite cells and myonuclear domain size in skeletal muscles following resistance exercise. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2022. Nakano D, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Mitochondrial fusion- and fission-related protein expression in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass. Physiological Reports,10(8): e15281, 2022. 【Editor's Choice - 2022に選ばれました:https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1002/(ISSN)2051-817X.-Editor-Choice?page=3】 Chang SW, Yoshihara T, Tsuzuki T, Natsume T, Kakigi R, Machida S, Naito H. Circadian rhythms modulate the effect of eccentric exercise on rat soleus muscles.PLoS One, 17(2):e0264171, 2022. Kumagai H, Natsume T, Kim SJ, Tobina T, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Shiose K, Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Kakigi R, Tsuzuki T, Miller B, Yen K, Murakami H, Miyachi M, Zempo H, Dobashi S, Machida S, Kobayashi H, Naito H, Cohen P, Fuku N.The MOTS-c K14Q polymorphism in the mtDNA is associated with muscle fiber composition and muscular performance.Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj, 1866: 130048, 2022. Shen S, Suzuki K, Kohmura Y, Fuku N, Someya Y, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Ke D, Machida S, Aoki K, Naito H. Associations of Voluntary Exercise and Screen Time during the First Wave of COVID-19 Restrictions in Japan with Subsequent Grip Strength among University Students: J-Fit+ Study. Sustainability 13, 13648, 2021. 町田修一, 沢田秀司. 高齢者の筋肉を鍛えるための運動プログラム. OPJリエゾン. 2021年冬号: 16-20, 2021. 田中智美, 黒坂裕香, 町田修一. 骨格筋を意識した運動とたんぱく質摂取のタイミング. 糖尿病ケア. 18(7): 54-58, 2021. 黒坂裕香, 田中智美, 町田修一. 運動様式とたんぱく質代謝からみたサルコペニア対策. 糖尿病ケア. 18(7): 50-53, 2021. Sawada S, Ozaki H, Natsume T, Nakano D, Deng P, Yoshihara T, Osawa T, Kobayashi H, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H. Serum albumin levels as a predictive biomarker for low-load resistance training programs’effects on muscle thickness in the community-dwelling elderly Japanese population: Interventional study result. BMC Geriatrics, 21(1):464, 2021. Natsume T, Ozaki H, Nakagata T, Yoshihara T, Kitada T, Ishihara Y, Deng P, Osawa T, Sawada S, Kobayashi H, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H. Site-Specific Muscle Loss in The Abdomen and Anterior Thigh in Elderly Males with Locomotive Syndrome. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 20: 635-641, 2021. Sawada S, Ozaki H, Natsume T, Deng P, Yoshihara T, Nakagata T, Osawa T, Ishihara Y, Kitada T, Kimura K, Sato N, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H. The 30-s chair stand test can be a useful tool for screening sarcopenia in elderly Japanese participants. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1):639, 2021. 吉村祐輔,劉立足,金子晴香,町田修一,濱田千江子,平澤恵理,内藤久士,石島旨章. ロコモニタープロジェクト ―スマートフォンで測定した活動量データによる運動習慣の継続的・客観的モニタリング. 整形外科, 72(6): 570-575, 2021. Wang T, Kamon M, Okada S, Sawada S, Ogawa R, Shiozawa N, Machida S. Design and Evaluation of an Online Squat Fitness System: Lessons Learned During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan. Front. Digit. Health, 3: 679630, 2021. 沢田秀司, 町田修一. ロコモ・サルコペニア予防運動プログラムの開発と社会実装への取り組み. 総合リハビリテーション. 49(12): 1145-1151, 2021. 沢田秀司, 町田修一. コロナ時代の職域でのロコモ対策はどうあるべきか?~勤労世代の身体運動の重要性とロコモ度の視点から~. Loco Cure, 7: 24-29, 2021. Kawanishi N, Machida S.(Corresponding Author) Alterations of macrophage and neutrophil content in skeletal muscle of aged versus young mice. Muscle & Nerve, 63: 600-607, 2021. Kurosaka Y, Machida S, Shiroya Y, Yamauchi H, Minato K. Protective Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Hepatic Fat Accumulation Induced by Dietary Restriction in Zucker Fatty Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(4): 2014, 2021. 黒坂裕香, 永澤貴昭, 田中智美, 町田修一.男性スポーツ選手を対象とした簡易型自記式食事歴法質問票(BDHQ)の栄養素等摂取量推定値の特徴.日本スポーツ栄養研究誌, 14: 41-49, 2021. Shen S, Suzuki K, Kohmura Y, Fuku N, Someya Y, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Ke D, Machida S, Aoki K, Naito H. Associations of Voluntary Exercise and Screen Time during the First Wave of COVID-19 Restrictions in Japan with Subsequent Grip Strength among University Students: J-Fit+ Study. Sustainability 13: 13648, 2021. Nakada S, Yamashita Y, Machida S, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y,Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan Facilitates Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Delocalization in Denervation-Induced Muscle Atrophy. Cells, 9(11): 2524, 2020. Ozaki H, Sawada S, Osawa T, Natsume T, Yoshihara T, Deng P, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H. Muscle size and strength of the lower body in supervised and in combined supervised and unsupervised low-load resistance training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,19: 721-726, 2020. Yoshihara T, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Naito H. Can Blood Parameters Predict the Risk of Locomotive Syndrome in MiddleAged and Older Individuals? A Literature Review. International Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,8(2): No.1000546, 2020. Nozaki R, Hung Y-L, Takagi K, Nakano D, Fujii T, Kawanishi N, Okamoto T, Machida S (Corresponding Author). Differential protective effects of Radix astragali, herbal medicine, on immobilization-induced atrophy of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. Biomedical Research, 41(3): 139-148, 2020. 沢田秀司, 町田修一. サルコペニアの診断とメカニズム. 医学のあゆみ, 274(4): 364-372, 2020. 田中智美, 町田修一. ジュニア選手の栄養学的サポート. 臨床スポーツ医学, 37(1): 24-29, 2020. Yoshimura Y, Ishijima M, Ishibashi M, Liu L, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Machida S, Naito H, Hamada C, Kominami E.A nationwide observational study of locomotive syndrome in Japan using the ResearchKit: The Locomonitor study.J Orthop Sci, 24: 1094-1104, 2019. Ozaki H, Machida S.(Corresponding Author) et al. Effects of progressive walking and stair-climbing training program on muscle size and strength of the lower body in untrained older adults. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 18: 722-728, 2019. Yoshihara T, Machida S, Tsuzuki T, Kakigi R, Chang SW, Sugiura T, Naito H. Age-related changes in histone modification in rat gastrocnemius muscle. Experimental gerontology, 125:110658, 2019. 小野寺由美子, 北濃成樹, 朽木勤, 甲斐裕子, 永松俊哉, 町田修一. 座位行動・身体活動時間の置き換えと日本人オフィスワーカーのメンタルヘルスの関係:isotemporal substitutionモデルを用いた検討. 体力科学, 68: 261-268, 2019. 町田修一, 田中智美. サルコペニア予防・改善のための運動と栄養の組み合わせ. 日本スポーツ栄養研究誌, 12: 3-11, 2019. 沢田秀司,町田修一. 運動生理学からみたエネルギー代謝とスポーツ競技の特性. 臨床栄養, 134: 159-165, 2019. Takisawa S, Funakoshi T, Yatsu T, Nagata K, Aigaki T, Machida S, Ishigami A. Vitamin C deficiency causes muscle atrophy and a deterioration in physical performance. Scientific Reports, 9: 4702, 2019. Yoshihara T. Machida S.(Corresponding Author) et al. Association between locomotive syndrome and blood parameters in Japanese middle-aged and elderly individuals: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 20: 104, 2019. Ozaki H, Kubota A, Natsume T, Loenneke JP, Abe T, Machida S, Naito H.Effects of drop sets with resistance training on increases in muscle CSA, strength, and endurance: a pilot study.J Sports Science,36: 691-696,2018. Yoshihara T. Machida S.(Corresponding Author) et al. Effects of a progressive walking program on the risk of developing locomotive syndrome in elderly Japanese people: A single-arm trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30: 1180-1186, 2018. 後藤亜由美, 町田修一. サルコペニア研究の現状と臨床への応用. 理学療法学, 45: 332-341, 2018. Kawanishi N, Takagi K, Lee HC, Nakano D, Okuno T, Yokomizo T, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Endurance exercise training and high-fat diet differentially affect composition of diacylglycerol molecular species in rat skeletal muscle, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 314: R892-R901, 2018. Kawanishi N, Funakoshi T, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Time-course study of macrophage infiltration and inflammation in cast immobilization-induced atrophied muscle of mice, Muscle & Nerve, 57: 1006-1013, 2018. Funakoshi T, Kanzaki N, Otsuka Y, Izumo T, Shibata H, Machida S.(Corresponding Author) Quercetin inhibits adipogenesis of muscle progenitor cells in vitro, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 13: 39-44, 2018. Hatazawa Y, et al. Reduced Dnmt3a increases Gdf5 expression with suppressed satellite cell differentiation and impaired skeletal muscle regeneration, The FASEB Journal, 32: 1452-1467, 2018. Okamoto T, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Changes in FOXO and proinflammatory cytokines in the late stage of immobilized fast and slow muscle atrophy, Biomedical Research, 38: 331-342, 2017. 位髙駿夫, 笠原朋香, 花岡美智子, 栗山雅倫, 町田修一. 日本人大学女子ハンドボール選手のACTN3及びUCP2遺伝子多型と形態・体力との関連性. ハンドボールリサーチ, 6: 53-60, 2017. 町田修一. サルコペニアおよびロコモティブシンドロームの評価方法と介護予防のための運動プログラムの開発. 日本慢性看護学会誌, 11: 24-27, 2017. 町田修一, 大野佳南子. 月経周期とパフォーマンスにおける基礎研究. 臨床婦人科産科, 71: 606-612, 2017. 大野佳南子, 涌井佐和子, 須永美歌子, 町田修一. 女子大生および大学院生を対象とした月経関連症状の把握の試み ― 日本語版「月経関連症状に関する調査フォームT」を用いた実例 ―. 順天堂スポーツ健康科学研究, 8: 44-49, 2017. Itaka T, Tomizawa Y, Agemizu K, Aruga S, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) ACTN3 R577X gene polymorphism may play a role to determine the duration of judo matches, Trends in Sport Sciences, 2: 67-71, 2017. Kawanishi N, Nozaki R, Naito H, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) TLR4 defective (C3H/HeJ) mice are not protected from cast immobilization induced muscle atrophy, Physiological Reports, 5, e13255, 2017. Koltai E, Bori Z, Chabert C, Dubouchaud H, Naito H, Machida S, Davies KJ, Murlasits Z, Fry AC, Boldogh I, Radak Z. SIRT1 may play a crucial role in overload induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle, The Journal of physiology, 595: 3361-3376, 2017. Amano A, Kondo Y, Noda Y, Ohta M, Kawanishi N, Machida S, Mitsuhashi K, Senmaru T, Fukui M, Takaoka O, Mori T, Kitawaki J, Ono M, Saibara T, Obayashi H, Ishigami A. Abnormal lipid/lipoprotein metabolism and high plasma testosterone levels in male but not female aromatase-knockout mice. Arch Biochem Biophys, 622: 47-58, 2017. Chang SW, Yoshihara T, Machida S, Naito H. Circadian rhythm of intracellular protein synthesis signaling in rat cardiac and skeletal muscles, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 9: 153-158, 2017. Ozaki H, Abe T, Machida S, Naito H. Progressive training model for muscle hypertrophy and strength gain. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 23, 1-7, 2017. Yoshihara T, Machida S, Kurosaka Y, Kakigi R, Sugiura T, Naito H. Immobilization induces nuclear accumulation of HDAC4 in rat skeletal muscle. J Physiol Sci. 66: 337-343, 2016. Itaka T, Agemizu K, Aruga S, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Judo status is not associated with the angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism in Japanese judo athletes. Archives of Budo. 12:61-67, 2016. Itaka T, Agemizu K, Aruga S, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) The G allele of the IGF2 ApaI polymorphism is associated with judo status. J Strength Condit Res. 30: 2043-2048, 2016. 町田修一、船越智子. 骨格筋再生と老化制御:筋サテライト細胞の役割. 基礎老化研究, 40: 13-17, 2016. Yoshihara T, Machida S, Naito H. Disuse-induced nuclear accumulation of histone deacetylase 4 in rat skeletal muscle. Musculoskeletal Regeneration. 2: e1368, 2016. 上水研一朗, 位髙駿夫, 廣川彰信, 有賀誠司, 町田修一. 男子大学柔道トップアスリートにおけるミドルパワーとACTN3及びACE遺伝子多型との関連性. 武道学研究. 49: 29-38, 2016. Hasegawa-Tanaka T, Machida S (Corresponding Author), Kobayashi S, Naito H. Changes in blood glucose and lipid metabolic parameters after high-carbohydrate diet ingestion in athletes with insulin resistance. Juntendo Medical Journal, 62: 323-329, 2016. Kitada T, Machida S, Naito H. Influence of Muscle Fibre Composition on Muscle Oxygenation During Maximal Running. BMJ Open Sport Exer Med. 1:e000062, 2015. 町田修一, 川西範明. サルコペニアの分子メカニズム.神経内科, 83: 355-360, 2015. Ozaki H, Abe T, Mikesky AE, Sakamoto A, Machida S, Naito H. Physiological stimuli necessary for muscle hypertrophy. J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 4: 43-51, 2015. 町田修一(分担執筆). 運動, 老化の生物学(石井直明編集).化学同人,p273-286, 2014. 内藤久士, 町田修一, 吉原利典(分担執筆). Section 5 運動と筋-4 骨格筋の肥大と萎縮, ニュー運動生理学(I) (宮村実晴編). 真興交易株式会社医書出版部, p224-33, 2014. Kurosaka M, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Interleukin-6-induced satellite cell proliferation is regulated through induction of signal downstream target Cyclin D1 of JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway. Cell Proliferation, 46: 365-373, 2013. Kurosaka M, Naito H, Ogura Y, Machida S, Katamoto S. Satellite cell pool enhancement in rat plantaris muscle by endurance training depends on intensity rather than duration. Acta Physiologica, 205: 159-166, 2012. Kurosaka M, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Exercise and skeletal muscle regeneration. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 1: 537-540, 2012. 町田修一, 黒坂光寿(分担執筆), サルコペニアのメカニズム, サルコペニアの基礎と臨床(鈴木隆雄監修), 真興交易(株)医書出版社, p22-31, 2011. 町田修一(分担執筆), スポーツ選手の骨格筋機能, スポーツ現場に生かす運動生理・生化学(樋口満編集), 市村出版, p46-60, 2011. Okamoto T, Torii S, Machida S. (Corresponding Author) Differential gene expression of muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in response to immobilization-induced atrophy of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 61: 537-546, 2011. 町田修一. サルコペニアの分子メカニズム, 体育の科学, 61: 49-55, 2011. 町田修一, 畑山元政, 黒坂光寿. 筋再生の分子メカニズム, 体育の科学, 61: 203-209, 2011. 町田修一. サルコペニアの予防改善の筋肉増強(再生)因子としてのIGF-1, 運動療法と物理療法, 22: 290-298, 2011. 町田修一(分担執筆), 老化制御・運動, 新老年学第3版(大内尉義・秋山弘子編集代表), 東京大学出版会, p291-296, 2010. Ogawa K, Sanada K, Machida S, Okutsu M, and Suzuki K. Resistance exercise training-induced muscle hypertrophy was associated with reduction of inflammatory markers in elderly women, Mediators of Inflammation, 2010: Article ID 171023, 2010. 町田修一, 黒坂光寿. サルコペニアの分子メカニズム, Geriatric medicine, 48: 169-176, 2010. 岡本武志, 町田修一. 不活動による筋萎縮の分子メカニズム, 体育の科学, 60: 773-779, 2010. Fujimoto E., Machida S., Higuchi M., and Tabata I. Effects of nonexhaustive bouts of high-intensity intermittent swimming training on GLUT-4 expression in rat skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 60: 95-101, 2010. Machida S. and Peake P. Sarcopenia ? significance and possible mechanisms. In: Muscle Cell Physiology, edited by Ohira, Osaka University Press, 2009, 121-136. Ogata T., Machida S., Oishi Y., Higuchi M. and Muraoka I. Differential cell death regulation between adult-unloaded and aged rat soleus muscle. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 130: 328?336, 2009. Suzuki T., Maruyama A., Sugiura T, Machida S. and Miyata H. Age-related changes in two- and three-dimensional morphology of type-identified endplates in the rat diaphragm. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 59: 57-62, 2009. |
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