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中西 淳(ナカニシ アツシ)

研究テーマ 神経放射線、核医学
研究業績(論文) Tamamoto F, Sumi Y, Nakanishi A, Okayasu K, Maehara T, Katayama H: Usefulness of cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurements to predict the functional outcome for rehabilitation in patients with cerebrovascular disease (CVD). Ann Nucl Med 14: 47-52, 2000

中西淳 黒崎喜久:外耳道閉鎖・狭窄.Monthly Book ENTONI、61巻、1-6、2006

中西淳:MSCT 中枢神経系への応用.順天堂医学53巻1号,47-53,2007

中西淳 黒崎喜久:鼻副鼻腔の画像読影のポイント,Monthly Book ENTONI 77号 1-11(2007.07)

Suzuki K, Nakanishi A, Kurosaki Y,Nogaki J, Takaba E:Adrenal schwannoma:CT and MRI findings.Radiat Med:25,299-302,2007

Nakanishi A, Fukunaga I, Hori M, Masutani Y, Takaaki H, Miyajima M, Aoki S. Microstructural changes of the corticospinal tract in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a comparison of diffusion tensor and diffusional kurtosis imaging. Neuroradiology. 55:971-976.2013

Ishii K, Ito K, Nakanishi A, Kitamura S, Terashima A. Computer-assisted system for diagnosing degenerative dementia using cerebral blood flow SPECT and 3D-SSP: a multicenter study. Jpn J Radiol. 32:383-90.2014

研究者 教育活動