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高橋 和久(タカハシ カズヒサ)

研究テーマ 呼吸器悪性腫瘍の分子病態に関する研究
研究業績(論文) 1.なし

十合晋作,高橋和久.バイオマーカー.呼吸器疾患診断治療アプローチ 肺癌.高橋和久 専門編集,三嶋理晃 総編集,㈱中山書店,118-125,2018.2.20(ISBN978-4-521-74527-5)

高遼,高橋和久.分子標的治療薬.呼吸器疾患診断治療アプローチ 肺癌.高橋和久 専門編集,三嶋理晃 総編集,㈱中山書店,201-207,2018.2.20(ISBN978-4-521-74527-5)

高橋和久.無症状で進行する難治性のがん 肺がん.人生100年時代に備える差がつく70歳からの病気 サインと治療.朝日新聞出版 編者,朝日新聞出版,59-65,2018.5.30(ISBN978-4-02-331709-3)

高橋和久. 縦隔腫瘍. 今日の治療指針 2019年版〔ポケット判〕. 福井次矢/高木誠/小室一成 総編集, ㈱医学書院, 315-316, 2019.1.1(ISBN978-4-260-03651-1)

高橋和久. 縦隔腫瘍. 今日の治療指針 2019年版. 福井次矢/高木誠/小室一成 総編集, ㈱医学書院, 315-316, 2019.1.1(ISBN978-4-260-03650-4)

朝尾哲彦,高橋和久.肺癌合併症への対策.呼吸器疾患最新の治療2019-2020.門田淳一/弦間昭彦/西岡安彦 編集,(株)南江堂,417-420,2019.4.15(ISBN978-4-524-24557-4)

高橋和久.14 気管支・肺腫瘍.内科学書 Vol.2,南学正臣 総編集,(株)中山書店,530-538,2019.8.30(ISBN978-4-521-74749-1)

高橋和久.2 小細胞肺癌の治療(手術適応と化学療法).呼吸器疾患最新の治療2020-2021.門田淳一/弦間昭彦/西岡安彦 編集,(株)南江堂,375-377,2021.3.1(ISBN978-4-524-22783-9)

宮脇太一,高橋和久.I. 主な呼吸器用薬剤の作用機序と適応-7 抗菌薬.呼吸器最新の治療2023-2024.弦間昭彦/西岡安彦/矢寺和博 編集,㈱南江堂,102-111,2023.3.20(ISBN978-4-524-23366-3)


第5回Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Meeting


シンポジウム6『3. 肺癌:海外の臨床試験のデータを日本に外挿可能か?現状と課題』

特別報告5『1. 呼吸器専門医取得のための教育コンテンツについて



肺癌セミナーin 大分

Lung Cancer Srminar in Shiga 2018



LC Symposium in Mito
Special Lecture 肺癌Ⅲ期治療『新しいステージに入ったⅢ期非小細胞肺癌』

Kudan Cancer Conference 2018


Immuno-Oncology Forum in SHIGA~滋賀・ロイヤルオークホテル

エキスパートセミナーin Tokyo



The 6th International Hot Themes Forum about Respiratory Diseases(第6回呼吸器疾患国際フォーラム)~中国・西安・西南交通大学附属第二病院
特別講演『Recent progress of advanced non-small cell lung cancer treatment』

ジオトリフ®WEB Conference


2019年順天堂大学 中国医科大学共同学術講演会~東京・順天堂大学センチュリータワー

Lung Cancer Symposium in KITATOHOKU~岩手・ホテルメトロポリタン盛岡

呼吸器疾患Meeting in 雅叙園東京~東京・ホテル雅叙園東京
Session 2『肺がん関連最新トピックス』

Healthcare Excellence Forum Japan(Web seminar)~東京・恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワ- ブイキューブ

Lung Cancer Seminar in 南東北(オンライン講演会)~東京会場より
Special Lecture『進展型小細胞肺癌治療の新たな展開』
2020.11.25 LC Forum in 南東北(オンライン講演会)~東京会場より


イブニングセミナー②『Patient Personalized Healthcare(PHC) for Lung Cancerから呼吸器内科医を深く考える』

講演1『肺癌の診療 Updayeと当院におけるCOVID-19対応』

Lung Cancer Clinical Meeting~昭和大学 上條記念館

Akita LC Forum 2021(WEB配信)~東京会場より

第40回ブラッシュアップセミナー in Yokohama~横浜ベイホテル東急(ハイブリッド開催)


26th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR)~韓国・ソウル(ハイブリッド開催)
招請講演『Recent progress of advanced non-small cell lung cancer treatment』


Immuno-Oncology Web Symposium in Shizuoka(オンライン講演)~東京会場より


がんプロ コンポーネント2基礎講義 臨床腫瘍学総論Ⅰ(支持療法)

大学院特別講義 肺癌内科治療の最前線 


大学院特別講義 肺癌内科治療の最前線(基礎研究から臨床研究・内科治療の最先端) 

大学院特別講義 肺癌内科治療の最前線(基礎研究から臨床研究・内科治療の最先端) 


Otani H, Takahashi A, Kato K, Kano N, Watanabe D, Yoshioka R, Fujikawa S, Hongo T, Sugahara R, Hisanaga M, Hirai Y, Mita T, Suzuki K, Takahashi K. Aim and future perspectives of the tropical medicine association of Juntendo University through the activity of the 53rd south east asia research group. Juntendo Medical Journal. 64(1): 59-63, 2018 Apr

Ebana H, Mizobuchi T, Kurihara M, Kobayashi E, Haga T, Okamoto S, Takahashi K, Seyama K. Novel clinical scoring system to identify patients with pneumothorax with suspicion for Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. Respirology. 23(4):414-418, 2018 Apr 

Ebana H, Hayashi T, Mitani K, Kobayashi E, Kumasaka T, Mizobuchi T, Kurihara M, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Seyama K. Oxidized regenerated cellulose induces pleural thickening in patients with pneumothorax: possible involvement of the mesothelial-mesenchymal transition. Surg Today. 48(4):462-472, 2018 Apr

Iwakami N, Iwakami S. I, Hara M, Sekiya M, Dambara T, Takahashi K. The diagnostic yield using ultrasound-guided needle-aspiration for subpleural primary lung cancer is not affected by the radiological properties of the lesions resulting from computed tomography. Respir Investig 56(3): 238-242, 2018 May

Yamada T, Iwakami SI, Hara SAM, Iwakami N, Nakamura A, Suzuki Y, Sasaki SI, Takahashi K. Disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection caused by anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies in a patient of very advanced age. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 18(7):1132-1133, 2018 Jul

Ihara H, Harada N, Shimada N, Kanamori K, Hayashi T, Uekusa T, Takahashi K. Malignant pleural mesothelioma with bone marrow metastases. Intern Med. 57(17):2541-2545, 2018 Sep 1.

Matsuno K, Harada N, Harada S, Takeshige T, Ishimori A, Itoigawa Y, Katsura Y, Kodama Y, Makino F, Ito J, Atsuta R, Akiba H, Takahashi K. Combination of TWEAK and TGF-β1 induces the production of TSLP, RANTES, and TARC in BEAS-2B human bronchial epithelial cells during epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Exp Lung Res. 44(7):332-343, 2018 Sep

Baskoro H, Sato T, Karasutani K, Suzuki Y, Mitsui A, Arano N, Nurwidya F, Kato M, Takahashi F, Kodama Y, Seyama K, Takahashi K. Regional heterogeneity in response of airway epithelial cells to cigarette smoke. BMC Pulm Med. 18(1):148, 2018 Sep 4

Ko R, Shukuya T, Okuma Y, Tateishi K, Imai H, Iwasawa S, Miyauchi E, Fujiwara A, Sugiyama T, Azuma K, Muraki K, Yamasaki M, Tanaka H, Takashima Y, Soda S, Ishimoto O, Koyama N, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Nukiwa T, Takahashi K; North East Japan Study Group. Prognostic factors and efficacy of first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced thymic carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 286 patients from NEJ023 study. Oncologist. 23(10):1210-1217, 2018 Oct.

Kanemaru R, Takahashi F, Kato M, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Ihara H, Hidayat M, Wirawan A, Koinuma Y, Hayakawa D, Yagishita S, Ko R, Sato T, Harada N, Kodama Y, Nurwidya F, Sasaki S, Niwa SI, Takahashi K. Dasatinib Suppresses TGFβ-Mediated Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Alveolar Epithelial Cells and Inhibits Pulmonary Fibrosis. Lung. 196(5):531-541, 2018 Oct

Kato M, Sekiya M, Suzuki Y, Sato T, Ichikawa M, Kodama Y, Seyama K, Aikawa-Hirasawa E, Takahashi K. Evaluation of physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using an accelerometer with tapestry-style display capability. Juntendo Medical Journal 64(4):286-294, 2018

Kato M, Kanehiro Y, Yoshimi K, Kodama Y, Sekiya M, Sato T, Takahashi K, Seyama K; Multicenter Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Sirolimus Trial for Safety Study Group. COPD assessment test as a possible tool for evaluating health-related quality of life in lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Respir Investig. 56(6):480-488, 2018 Nov

Yasuda M, Harada N, Harada S, Ishimori A, Katsura Y, Itoigawa Y, Matsuno K, Makino F, Ito J, Ono J, Tobino K, Akiba H, Atsuta R, Izuhara K, Takahashi K. Characterization of tenascin-C as a novel biomarker for asthma: utility of tenascin-C in combination with periostin or immunoglobulin E. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 4:72, 2018 Nov

Suina K, Tsuchihashi K, Yamasaki J, Kamenori S, Shintani S, Hirata Y, Okazaki S, Sampetrean O, Baba E, Akashi K, Mitsuishi Y, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Saya H, Nagano O. Epidermal growth factor receptor promotes glioma progression by regulating xCT and GluN2B-containing N-methyl-d-aspartate-sensitive glutamate receptor signaling. Cancer Sci. 109(12):3874-3882, 2018 Dec

Takahashi K, Ueda S, Kobayashi T, Nishiyama A, Fujisawa Y, Sugaya T, Shiota S, Takahashi K, Gohda T, Horikoshi S, Suzuki Y. Chronic intermittent hypoxia-mediated renal sympathetic nerve activation in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Sci Rep. 8(1):17926, 2018 Dec 18

Nanjo Y, Newstead MW, Aoyagi T, Zeng X, Takahashi K, Yu FS, Tateda K, Standiford TJ. Overlapping Roles for Interleukin-36 Cytokines in Protective Host Defense against Murine Legionella pneumophila Pneumonia. Infect Immun. 87(1): e00583-18, 2019 Jan  

Seyama K, Nukiwa T, Sato T, Suzuki M, Konno S, Takahashi K, Nishimura M, Steinmann K, Sorrells S, Chen J, Hayashi KI. Safety and pharmacokinetics of Alpha-1 MP (Prolastin®-C) in Japanese patients with alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. Respir Investig. 57(1):89-96, 2019 Jan 

Kato M, Sasaki S, Kurokawa K, Nakamura T, Yamada T, Sasano H, Arano N, Komura M, Ihara H, Nagashima O, Shiota S, Takahashi F, Takahashi K. Usual interstitial pneumonia pattern in the lower lung lobes as a prognostic factor in idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis. Respiration. 97(4):319-328, 2019 Jan 

Tanabe Y, Harada N, Ito J, Matsuno K, Takeshige T, Harada S, Takemasa M, Kotajima M, Ishimori A, Katsura Y, Makino F, Atsuta R, Takahashi K. Difference between two exhaled nitric oxide analyzers, NIOX VERO® electrochemical hand-held analyzer and NOA280i® chemiluminescence stationary analyzer. J Asthma. 56(2):167-172, 2019 Feb

Kohsaka S, Tatsuno K, Ueno T, Nagano M, Shinozaki-Ushiku A, Ushiku T, Takai D, Ikegami M, Kobayashi H, Kage H, Ando M, Hata K, Ueda H, Yamamoto S, Kojima S, Oseto K, Akaike K, Suehara Y, Hayashi T, Saito T, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Takamochi K, Suzuki K, Nagayama S, Oda Y, Mimori K, Ishihara S, Yatomi Y, Nagase T, Nakajima J, Tanaka S, Fukayama M, Oda K, Nangaku M, Miyazono K, Miyagawa K, Aburatani H, Mano H. Comprehensive assay for the molecular profiling of cancer by target enrichment from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. Cancer Sci. 110(4):1464-1479, 2019 Apr 

Kuwasaki E, Nagaoka T, Ihara H, Tsutsumi T, Nakamura A, Yoshikawa H, Yoshida T, Watanabe J, Ichikawa M, Koyama R, Shimada N, Takahashi K. Age is an independent predictor in pathological diagnosis of sarcoidosis: a retrospective analysis of diagnosis by endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. J Thorac Dis. 11(5):2175-2180, 2019 May

Kadoya K, Togo S, Tulafu M, Namba Y, Iwai M, Watanabe J, Okabe T, Jin J, Kodama Y, Kitamura H, Ogura T, Kitamura N, Ikeo K, Takeda T, Kondo N, Takahashi K. Specific features of fibrotic lung fibroblasts highly sensitive to fibrotic processes mediated via TGF-β-ERK5 interaction. Cell Physiol Biochem. 52(4):822-837, 2019 Jun 

Jin J, Togo S, Kadoya K, Tulafu M, Namba Y, Iwai M, Watanabe J, Nagahama K, Okabe T, Hidayat M, Kodama Y, Kitamura H, Ogura T, Kitamura N, Ikeo K, Sasaki S, Tominaga S, Takahashi K. Pirfenidone attenuates lung fibrotic fibroblast responses to transforming growth factor-β1. Respir Res. 20(1):119, 2019 Jun 11

Liu ZY, Shiota S, Morio Y, Sugiyama A, Sekiya M, Iwakami SI, Ienaga H, Fukuchi Y, Takahashi K. Borderline pulmonary hypertension associated with chronic hypercapnia in chronic pulmonary disease. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 262:20-25, 2019 Apr

Tsutsumi T, Nagaoka T, Yoshida T, Wang L, Kuriyama S, Suzuki Y, Nagata Y, Harada N, Kodama Y, Takahashi F, Morio Y, Takahashi K. Nintedanib ameliorates experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension via inhibition of endothelial mesenchymal transition and smooth muscle cell proliferation. PLoS One. 14(7):e0214697, 2019 Jul 24

Kato M, Sasaki S, Nakamura T, Kurokawa K, Yamada T, Ochi Y, Ihara H, Takahashi F, Takahashi K. Gastrointestinal adverse effects of nintedanib and the associated risk factors in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Sci Rep. 9(1):12062, 2019 Aug 19

Karasutani K, Baskoro H, Sato T, Arano N, Suzuki Y, Mitsui A, Shimada N, Kodama Y, Seyama K, Fukuchi Y, Takahashi K. Lung Fixation under Constant Pressure for Evaluation of Emphysema in Mice. J Vis Exp. 151, 2019 Sep 26, doi:K10.3791/58197. PMID: 31609316.

Ihara H, Kikuchi K, Taniguchi H, Fujita S, Tsuruta Y, Kato M, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Kodama Y, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Azuma N. 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine improves survival in dialysis patients by preventing cardiac events. Vaccine. 37(43):6447-6453, 2019 Oct 8

Hidayat M, Mitsuishi Y, Takahashi F, Tajima K, Yae T, Miyahara K, Hayakawa D, Winardi W, Ihara H, Koinuma Y, Wirawan A, Nurwidya F, Kato M, Kobayashi I, Sasaki S, Takamochi K, Hayashi T, Suehara Y, Moriyama M, Moriyama H, Habu S, Takahashi K. Role of FBXW7 in the quiescence of gefitinib-resistant lung cancer stem cells in EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 19(4); 335-367, 2019 Nov 8

Kato M, Yamada T, Kataoka S, Arai Y, Miura K, Ochi Y, Ihara H, Koyama R, Sasaki S, Takahashi K. Prognostic differences among patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonias with acute exacerbation of varying pathogenesis: a retrospective study. Respir Res. 20(1):287, 2019 Dec 18

Yamaguchi Y, Shiota S, Kusunoki Y, Hamaya H, Ishii M, Kodama Y, Akishita M, Kida K, Takahashi K, Nagase T, Fukuchi Y. Polysomnographic features of low arousal threshold in overlap syndrome involving obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sleep Breath. 23(4):1095-1100, 2019 Dec

Hayakawa D, Takahashi F, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Hidayat M, Winardi W, Ihara H, Kanamori K, Matsumoto N, Asao T, Ko R, Shukuya T, Takamochi K, Hayashi T, Suehara Y, Takeda Nakamura I, Ueno T, Kohsaka S, Mano H, Takahashi K. Activation of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor confers acquired resistance to osimertinib in non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR T790M mutation. Thorac Cancer. 11(1):140-149, 2020 Jan 11, PMCID: PMC6938756.

Hosomi Y, Morita S, Sugawara S, Kato T, Fukuhara T, Gemma A, Takahashi K, Fujita Y, Harada T, Minato K, Takamura K, Hagiwara K, Kobayashi K, Nukiwa T, Inoue A; North-East Japan Study Group. Gefitinib Alone Versus Gefitinib Plus Chemotherapy for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer With Mutated Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor: NEJ009 Study. J Clin Oncol. 38(2):115-123, 2020 Jan

Ko Y, Asakawa K, Tobino K, Oguma T, Hirai T, Takada T, Takahashi K, Seyama K; Multicenter Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Sirolimus Trial for Safety Study Group. Quantitative analysis of computed tomography of the lungs in patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis treated with sirolimus. Heliyon 6(2):e03345, 2020 Feb 6, PMID: 32072050; PMCID:PMC7011043.

Miyawaki T, Naito T, Kodama A, Nishioka N, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, KawamuraT, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Wakuda K, Ono A, Kenmotsu H, Murakami H, Notsu A, Mori K, Harada H, Endo M, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Desensitizing Effect of Cancer Cachexia on Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced NSCLC. JTO Clin Res Rep 1(2):100020, 2020 Mar

Tateishi K, Ko R, Shukuya T, Okuma Y, Watanabe S, Kuyama S, Murase K, Tsukita Y, Ashinuma H, Nakagawa T, Uematsu K, Nakao M, Mori Y, Kaira K, Mouri A, Miyabayashi T, Sakashita H, Matsumoto Y, Tanigawa T, Koizumi T, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Nukiwa T, Takahashi K; North East Japan Study Group. Clinical Outcomes of Second-Line Chemotherapy in Patients with Previously Treated Advanced Thymic Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of 191 Patients from the NEJ023 Study. Oncologist 25(4): e668-e678, 2020 Apr

Sekine I, Shintani Y, Shukuya T, Takayama K, Inoue A, Okamoto I, Kiura K, Takahashi K, Dosaka-Akita H, Takiguchi Y, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I. A Japanese lung cancer registry study on demographics and treatment modalities in medically treated patients (vol111, pg1685, 2020). Cancer Sci. 111(5):1685-1691, 2020 May

Okamoto S, Suzuki K, Hayashi T, Muraki K, Nagaoka T, Nishino K, Sekimoto Y, Sasaki S, Takahashi K, Seyama K. Transbronchial lung biopsy for the diagnosis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis: the severity of cystic lung destruction assessed by the modified Goddard scoring system as a predictor for establishing the diagnosis. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 15(1):125, 2020 May, PMID: 32456649; PMCID: PMC7249378

Wang K, Verbakel JY, Oke J, Fleming-Nouri A, Brewin J, Roberts N, Harada N, Atsuta R, Takahashi K, Mori K, Fujisawa T, Shirai T, Kawayama T, Inoue H, Lazarus S, Szefler S, Martinez F, Shaw D, Pavord ID, Thomas M. Using fractional exhaled nitric oxide to guide step-down treatment decisions in patients with asthma: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. Eur Respir J. 55(5):1902150, 2020 May21

Kohsaka S, Hayashi T, Nagano M, Ueno T, Kojima S, Kawazu M, Shiraishi Y, Kishikawa S, Suehara Y, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Suzuki K, Takamochi K, Mano H. Identification of Novel CD74-NRG2αFusion From Comprehensive Profiling of Lung Adenocarcinoma in Japanese Never or Light Smokers. J Thorac Oncol 15(6):948-961, 2020 Jun, PMID:32036070

Kozuki T, Nogami N, Hataji O, Tsunezuka Y, Seki N, Harada T, Fujimoto N, Bessho A, Takamura K, Takahashi K, Satouchi M, Kato T, Shukuya T, Yamashita N, Okamoto H, Shinkai T, Thoracic Oncology Research Group. Open-label, multicenter, randomized phase II study on docetaxel plus bevacizumab or pemetrexed plus bevacizumab for treatment of elderly (aged ≥75 years) patients with previously untreated advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer: TORG1323. Transl Lung Cancer Res 9(3): 459-470, 2020 Jun

Ishigaki K, Akiyama M, Kanai M, Takahashi A, Kawakami E, Sugishita H, Sakaue S, Matoba N, Low SK, Okada Y, Terao C, Amariuta T, Gazal S, Kochi Y, Horikoshi M, Suzuki K, Ito K, Koyama S, Ozaki K, Niida S, Sakata Y, Sakata Y, Kohno T, Shiraishi K, Momozawa Y, Hirata M, Matsuda K, Ikeda M, Iwata N, Ikegawa S, Kou I, Tanaka T, Nakagawa H, Suzuki A, Hirota T, Tamari M, Chayama K, Miki D, Mori M, Nagayama S, Daigo Y, Miki Y, Katagiri T, Ogawa O, Obara W, Ito H, Yoshida T, Imoto I, Takahashi T, Tanikawa C, Suzuki T, Sinozaki N, Minami S, Yamaguchi H, Asai S, Takahashi Y, Yamaji K, Takahashi K, Fujioka T, Takata R, Yanai H, Masumoto A, Koretsune Y, Kutsumi H, Higashiyama M, Murayama S, Minegishi N, Suzuki K, Tanno K, Shimizu A, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Sawada N, Uemura H, Tanaka K, Naito M, Sasaki M, Wakai K, Tsugane S, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto K, Murakami Y, Nakamura Y, Raychaudhuri S, Inazawa J, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Kubo M, Kamatani Y. Large-scale genome-wide association study in a Japanese population identifies novel susceptibility loci across different diseases. Nat Genet. 52(7):669-679, 2020 Jun, PMID: 32514122; PMCID: PMC7968075.

Ihara H, Mitsuishi Y, Kato M, Takahashi F, Tajima K, Hayashi T, Hidayat M, Winardi W, Wirawan A, Hayakawa D, Kanamori K, Matsumoto N, Yae T, Sato T, Sasaki S, Takamochi K, Suehara Y, Ogura D, Niwa SI, Suzuki K, Takahashi K. Nintedanib Inhibits Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in A549 Alveolar Epithelial Cells Through Regulation of the TGF-β/Smad Pathway. Respir Investig 58(4): 275-284, 2020 Jul

Kobayashi K, Soejima K, Fukunaga K, Shintani Y, Sekine I, Shukuya T, Takayama K, Inoue A, Okamoto I, Kiura K, Takahashi K, Yamamoto N, Takiguchi Y, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I, and on behalf of the Group on behalf of the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Key prognostic factors for EGFR-mutated non-adenocarcinoma lung cancer patients in the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry Database. Lung Cancer 146: 236-243, 2020 Aug

Igawa S, Naoki K, Shintani Y, Sekine I, Shukuya T, Takayama K, Inoue A, Okamoto I, Kiura K, Takahashi K, Yamamoto N, Takiguchi Y, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I. Survival and prognostic factors in elderly patients receiving second-line chemotherapy for relapsed small-cell lung cancer: Results from the Japanese joint committee of lung cancer registry. Lung Cancer. 146: 160-164, 2020 Aug

Harada N, Harada S, Ito J, Atsuta R, Hori S, Takahashi K. Mobile health app for Japanese adult patients with asthma: clinical observational study. J Med Internet Res. 22(8): e19006, 2020 Aug 14

Miyawaki T, Kenmotsu H, Mori K, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kawamura T, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Wakuda K, Ono A, Naito T, Murakami H, Harada H, Endo M, Ohde Y, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Association Between Clinical Tumor Burden and Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Monotherapy for Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 21(5): e405-e414, 2020 Sep, PMID: 32205040.

Hayashi T, Kohsaka S, Takamochi K, Hara K, Kishikawa S, Sano K, Takahashi F, Suehara Y, Saito T, Takahashi K, Suzuki K, Yao T. Clinicopathological characteristics of lung adenocarcinoma with compound EGFR mutations. Hum Pathol. 103:42-51, 2020 Sep

Takei S, Ihara H, Togo S, Nakamura A, Fujimoto Y, Watanabe J, Kurokawa K, Shibayama K, Sumiyoshi I, Ochi Y, Iwai M, Okabe T, Chonan M, Misawa S, Ohsaka A, Takahashi K. The synergetic effect of Imipenem-clarithromycin combination in the Mycobacteroides abscessus complex. BMC Microbiol. 20(1):316, 2020 Oct 19

Okuma Y, Ko R, Shukuya T, Tateishi K, Imai H, Iwasawa S, Miyauchi E, Kojima T, Fujita Y, Hino T, Yamanda S, Suzuki T, Fukuizumi A, Sakakibara T, Harada T, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Nukiwa T, Takahashi K; North East Japan Study Group. Prognostic factors for patients with metastatic or Hayashirecurrent thymic carcinoma receiving palliative-intent chemotherapy. Lung Cancer. 148:122-128, 2020 Oct

Kato M, Takahashi F, Sato T, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Ihara H, Nurwidya F, Baskoro H, Murakami A, Kobayashi I, Hidayat M, Shimada N, Sasaki S, Mineki R, Fujimura T, Kumasaka T, Niwa S, Takahashi K. Tranilast Inhibits Pulmonary Fibrosis by Suppressing TGFβ/SMAD2 Pathway. Drug Des Devel Ther. 14:4593-4603, 2020 Oct 29

Ko R, Shukuya T, Imamura C, Tokito T, Shimada N, Koyama R, Yamada K, Ishii H, Azuma K, Takahashi K. Phase I study of afatinib plus bevacizumab in patients with advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutations. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 10(1): 183-192, 2021 Jan

Miyawaki T, Wakuda K, Kenmotsu H, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Ono A, Naito T, Murakami H, Notsu A, Mori K, Harada H, Endo M, Ohde Y, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Proposing Synchronous Oligometastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Based on Progression after First-line Systemic Therapy. Cancer Sci. 112(1):359-368, 2021 Jan

Kato M, Sasaki S, Tateyama M, Arai Y, Motomura H, Sumiyoshi I, Ochi Y, Watanabe J, Ihara H, Togo S, Takahashi K. Clinical Significance of Continuable Treatment with Nintedanib Over 12 Months for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in a Real-World Setting. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 15:223-230, 2021 Jan 18

Miyashita Y, Ko R, Shimada N, Mitsuishi Y, Miura K, Matsumoto N, Asao T, Shukuya T, Shibayama R, Koyama R, Takahashi K. Impact of the generation of EGFR-TKIs administered as priortherapy on the effcacy of osimertinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR T790M mutation. Thoracic Cancer. 12:329–338, 2021 Feb

Wakita M, Idei M, Saito K, Horiuchi Y, Yamatani K, Ishikawa S, Yamamoto T, Igawa G, Hinata M, Kadota K, Kurosawa T, Takahashi S, Saito T, Misawa S, Akazawa C, Naito T, Miida T, Takahashi K, Ai T, Tabe Y. Comparison of the clinical performance and usefulness of five SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests. PLoS One. 16(2):e0246536, 2021 Feb 8

Sumiyoshi I, Okabe T, Togo S, Takagi H, Motomura H, Ochi Y, Shimada N, Haraguchi M, Shibayama R, Fujimoto Y, Watanabe J, Iwai M, Kadoya K, Iwakami SI, Takahashi K. High lymphocyte population-related predictive factors for a long-term response in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with pemetrexed: a retrospective observational study. J Transl Med. 19(1):92, 2021 Feb 28

Asahina H, Tanaka K, Morita S, Maemondo M, Seike M, Okamoto I, Oizumi S, Kagamu H, Takahashi K, Kikuchi T, Isobe T, Sugio K, Kobayashi K. A Phase II Study of Osimertinib Combined With Platinum Plus Pemetrexed in Patients With EGFR-Mutated Advanced Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer: The OPAL Study (NEJ032C/LOGIK1801). Clin Lung Cancer. 22(2):147-151, 2021 Mar

Sekimoto Y, Suzuki K, Okura M, Hayashi T, Ebana H, Kumasaka T, Mitani K, Nishino K, Okamoto S, Kobayashi E, Takahashi K, Seyama K. Uncommon radiologic computed tomography appearances of the chest in patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Sci Rep. 11(1):7170, 2021 Mar 30

Hiki M, Tabe Y, Ai T, Matsue Y, Harada N, Sugimoto K, Matsushita Y, Matsushita M, Wakita M, Misawa S, Idei M, Miida T, Tamura N, Takahashi K. Naito T. Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Japanese COVID-19 patients. PLoS One. 16(4): e0249449, 2021 Apr 6

Nishino K, Yoshimatsu Y, Muramatsu T, Sekimoto Y, Mitani K, Kobayashi E, Okamoto S, Ebana H, Okada Y, Kurihara M, Suzuki K, Inazawa J, Takahashi K, Watabe T, Seyama K. Isolation and characterisation of lymphatic endothelial cells from lung tissues affected by lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Sci Rep. 11(1):8406, 2021 Apr 16

Nakamura IT, Ikegami M, Hasegawa N, Hayashi T, Ueno T, Kawazu M, Yagishita S, Goto Y, i Shinno Y, Kojima Y, Takamochi, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Mano H, Kohsaka S. Development of an optimal protocol for molecular profiling of tumor cells in pleural effusions at single-cell level. Cancer Sci. 112(5):2006-2019, 2021 May

Iwai M, Tulafu M, Togo S, Kawaji H, Kadoya K, Namba Y, Jin J, Watanabe J, Okabe T, Hidayat M, Sumiyoshi I, Itoh M, Koyama R, Ito Y, Orimo A, Takamochi K, Oh S, Suzuki K, Hayashizaki Y, Yoshida K, Takahashi K. Cancer-associated fibroblast migration in non-small cell lung cancers is modulated by increased integrin α11 expression. Mol Oncol. 15(5): 1507–1527, 2021 May 7.

Tajima M, Togo S, Ko R, Koinuma Y, Sumiyoshi I, Torasawa M, Kikuchi N, Shiraishi A, Sasaki S, Kyogoku S, Kuwatsuru R, Takahashi K. CT Guided Needle Biopsy of Peripheral Lesions-Lesion Characteristics That May Increase the Diagnostic Yield and Reduce the Complication Rate. J Clin Med.10(9):2031 2021 May 9

Okamoto S, Ebana H, Kurihara M, Mitani K, Kobayashi E, Hayashi T, Sekimoto Y, Nishino K, Otsuji M, Kumasaka T, Takahashi K, Seyama K. Folliculin haploinsufficiency causes cellular dysfunction of pleural mesothelial cells. Sci Rep. 11(1):10814, 2021 May 24

Nurwidya F, Takahashi F, Winardi W, Tajima K, Mitsuishi Y, Murakami A, Kobayashi I, Nara T, Hashimoto M, Kato M, Hidayat M, Suina K, Hayakawa D, Asao T, Ko R, Shukuya T, Yae T, Shimada N, Yoshioka Y, Sasaki S, Takahashi K. Zinc-finger E-box-binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) plays a crucial role in the maintenance of lung cancer stem cells resistant to gefitinib. Thorac Cancer. 12(10):1536-1548, 2021 May

Sugiyama A, Shiota S, Yanagihara M, Nakayama H, Tsuiki S, Hayashida K, Inoue Y, Takahashi K. The role of long-term continuous positive airway pressure in the progression of obstructive sleep apnoea: A longitudinal cohort study. J Sleep Res. 16:e13374, 2021 Jun

Takeshige T, Harada N, Harada S, Ishimori A, Katsura Y, Sasano H, Sandhu Y, Matsuno K, Makino F, Ito J, Atsuta R, Akiba H, Takahashi K. Chitin induces steroid-resistant airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in mice. Allergol Int. 70(3):343-350, 2021 Jul

Nakamura IT, Kohsaka S, Ikegami M, Ikeuchi H, Ueno T, Li K, Beyett TS, Koyama T, Shimizu T, Yamamoto N, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Eck MJ, Mano H. Comprehensive functional evaluation of variants of fibroblast growth factor receptor genes in cancer. NPJ Precis Oncol. 5(1):66, 2021 Jul 16

Ohara K, Kinoshita S, Ando J, Azusawa Y, Ishii M, Harada S, Mitsuishi Y, Asao T, Tajima K, Yamamoto T, Takahashi F, Komatsu N, Takahashi K, Ando M. SCLC-J1, a novel small cell lung cancer cell line. Biochem Biophys Rep. 27:101089, 2021 Jul

Matsushita Y, Kusaoi M, Hiki M, Murayama G, Abe Y, Nozawa K, Takahashi K, Yamaji K, Tamura N, Naito T. Combination therapy with plasma exchange and glucocorticoid may be effective for severe COVID-19 infection: A retrospective observational study. Ther Apher Dial. 25(4):390-400, 2021 Aug

Fukuda H, Seyama K, Ito K, Ai T, Nojiri S, Hori S, Wakita M, Saito K, Shida Y, Nagura R, Hasegawa M, Kanemoto C, Tokuhara M, Okajima K, Yoshikawa Y, Katsuta N, Yamamoto T, Idei M, Horiuchi Y, Yamatani K, Misawa S, Naito T, Miida T, Sato H, Hattori N, Tabe Y, Takahashi K. Author Correction: SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in healthcare workers at a frontline hospital in Tokyo. Sci Rep. 11(1):16042, 2021 Aug 2

Sakaue S, Kanai M, Tanigawa Y, Karjalainen J, Kurki M, Koshiba S, Narita A, Konuma T, Yamamoto K, Akiyama M, Ishigaki K, Suzuki A, Suzuki K, Obara W, Yamaji K, Takahashi K, Asai S, Takahashi Y, Suzuki T, Shinozaki N, Yamaguchi H, Minami S, Murayama S, Yoshimori K, Nagayama S, Obata D, Higashiyama M, Masumoto A, Koretsune Y; FinnGen, Ito K, Terao C, Yamauchi T, Komuro I, Kadowaki T, Tamiya G, Yamamoto M, Nakamura Y, Kubo M, Murakami Y, Yamamoto K, Kamatani Y, Palotie A, Rivas MA, Daly MJ, Matsuda K, Okada Y. A cross-population atlas of genetic associations for 220 human phenotypes. Nat Genet. 53(10):1415-1424, 2021 Oct

Hasegawa N, Kohsaka S, Kurokawa K, Shinno Y, Takeda Nakamura I, Ueno T, Kojima S, Kawazu M, Suehara Y, Ishijima M, Goto Y, Kojima Y, Yonemori K, Hayashi T, Saito T, Shukuya T, Takahashi F, Takahashi K, Mano H. Highly sensitive fusion detection using plasma cell-free RNA in non-small-cell lung cancers. Cancer Sci. 112(10):4393-4403, 2021 Oct

Miyawaki T, Kenmotsu H, Kodama H, Nishioka N, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Ko R, Wakuda K, Ono A, Naito T, Murakami H, Mori K, Harada H, Endo M, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Association between oligo-residual disease and patterns of failure during EGFR-TKI treatment in EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 21(1):1247, 2021 Nov

Miyawaki T, Kenmotsu H, Yabe M, Kodama H, Nishioka N, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Wakuda K, Ono A, Deguchi S, Mitsuya K, Naito T, Murakami H, Mori K, Harada H, Hayashi N, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Rechallenge with previously administered epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitors in EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer with leptomeningeal metastasis. Invest New Drugs. 39(6):1732-1741, 2021 Dec

Saito K, Ai T, Kawai A, Matsui J, Fukushima Y, Kikukawa N, Kyoutou T, Chonan M, Kawakami T, Hosaka Y, Misawa S, Takagi H, Matsushita Y, Hiki M, Okuzawa A, Hori S, Naito T, Miida T, Takahashi K, Tabe Y. Performance and usefulness of a novel automated immunoassay HISCL SARS-CoV-2 Antigen assay kit for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Sci Rep. 11(1):23196, 2021 Dec

COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative(Takahashi K, et al.). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature. 600(7889):472-477, 2021 Dec

Mimori T, Shukuya T, Ko R, Okuma Y, Koizumi T, Imai H, Takiguchi Y, Miyauchi E, Kagamu H, Sugiyama T, Azuma K, Namba Y, Yamasaki M, Tanaka H, Takashima Y, Soda S, Ishimoto O, Koyama N, Kobayashi K, Takahashi K. Clinical Significance of Tumor Markers for Advanced Thymic Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis from the NEJ023 Study. Cancers (Basel). 14(2):331, 2022 Jan

Tada H, Mitsudomi T, Misumi T, Sugio K, Tsuboi M, Okamoto I, Iwamoto Y, Sakakura N, Sugawara S, Atagi S, Takahashi T, Hayashi H, Okada M, Inokawa H, Yoshioka H, Takahashi K, Higashiyama M, Yoshino I, Nakagawa K; West Japan Oncology Group. Randomized Phase III Study of Gefitinib Versus Cisplatin Plus Vinorelbine for Patients With Resected Stage II-IIIA Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer With EGFR Mutation (IMPACT). J Clin Oncol. 40(3):231-241, 2022 Jan

Wirawan A, Tajima K, Takahashi F, Mitsuishi Y, Winardi W, Hidayat M, Hayakawa D, Matsumoto N, Izumi K, Asao T, Ko R, Shimada N, Takamochi K, Suzuki K, Abe M, Hino O, Sekido Y, Takahashi K. A Novel Therapeutic Strategy Targeting the Mesenchymal Phenotype of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma By Suppressing LSD1. Mol Cancer Res. 20(1):127-138, 2022 Jan

Jo H, Yoshida T, Horinouchi H, Yagishita S, Matsumoto Y, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Yamamoto N, Takahashi K, Motoi N, Ohe Y. Prognostic significance of cachexia in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with pembrolizumab. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 71(2):387-398, 2022 Feb

Jo H, Yagishita S, Hayashi Y, Ryu S, Suzuki M, Kohsaka S, Ueno T, Matsumoto Y, Horinouchi H, Ohe Y, Watanabe SI, Motoi N, Yatabe Y, Mano H, Takahashi K, Hamada A. Comparative Study on the Efficacy and Exposure of Molecular Target Agents in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer PDX Models with Driver Genetic Alterations. Mol Cancer Ther. 21(2):359-370, 2022 Feb

Miyawaki T, Naito T, Yabe M, Kodama H, Nishioka N, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Wakuda K, Ono A, Kenmotsu H, Murakami H, Mori K, Harada H, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Impact of weight loss on treatment with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus chemotherapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Support Care Cancer. Support Care Cancer. 30(2):1633-1641, 2022 Feb

Enomoto K, Eguchi Y, Sato T, Norimoto M, Inoue M, Watanabe A, Sakai T, Yoneyama M, Aoki Y, Orita S, Narita M, Inage K, Shiga Y, Umimura T, Sato M, Suzuki M, Takaoka H, Mizuki N, Kim G, Hozumi T, Hirosawa N, Furuya T, Maki S, Nakamura J, Hagiwara S, Koda M, Akazawa T, Takahashi H, Takahashi K, Ohtori S. Usefulness of Simultaneous Magnetic Resonance Neurography and Apparent T2 Mapping for the Diagnosis of Cervical Radiculopathy. Asian Spine J. 16(1):47-55, 2022 Feb

Miyawaki E, Kenmotsu H, Shintani Y, Sekine I, Shukuya T, Takayama K, Inoue A, Okamoto I, Kiura K, Takahashi K, Yamamoto N, Kawaguchi T, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Date H. Efficacy of platinum agents for stage III non-small-cell lung cancer following platinum-based chemoradiotherapy: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 22(1):342, 2022 Mar

Shimamura SS, Shukuya T, Asao T, Hayakawa D, Kurokawa K, Xu S, Miura K, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Shibayama R, Shimada N, Takahashi F, Takahashi K. Survival past five years with advanced, EGFR-mutated or ALK-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer-is there a "tail plateau" in the survival curve of these patients? BMC Cancer. 22(1):323, 2022 Mar

Ueda S, Ito J, Harada N, Harada S, Sasano H, Sandhu Y, Tanabe Y, Abe S, Shiota S, Kodama Y, Nagaoka T, Makino F, Chiba A, Akiba H, Atsuta R, Miyake S, Takahashi K. Effect of Japanese Cedar Pollen Sublingual Immunotherapy on Asthma Patients with Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis Caused by Japanese Cedar Pollen. Biomolecules. 12(4):518, 2022 Mar

Xu S, Shukuya T, Tamura J, Shimamura S, Kurokawa K, Miura K, Miyawaki T, Hayakawa D, Asao T, Yamamoto K, Takahashi K. Heterogeneous Outcomes of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Rechallenge in Patients With NSCLC: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JTO Clin Res Rep. 3(4):100309, 2022 Mar

Nakamura K, Nakayama H, Sasaki S, Takahashi K, Iwabuchi K. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex promote release of pro-inflammatory enzymes matrix metalloproteinases by inducing neutrophil extracellular trap formation. Sci Rep. 12(1):5181, 2022 Apr

Yan Y, Naito T, Tabe Y, Ito K, Nojiri S, Deshpande GA, Seyama K, Takahashi K. Increased delta variant SARS-CoV-2 infections in a highly vaccinated medical center in Japan. Vaccine. 40(23):3103-3108, 2022 May

Nitta NA, Sato T, Komura M, Yoshikawa H, Suzuki Y, Mitsui A, Kuwasaki E, Takahashi F, Kodama Y, Seyama K, Takahashi K. Exposure to the heated tobacco product IQOS generates apoptosis-mediated pulmonary emphysema in murine lungs. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 322(5):L699-L711, 2022 May

Igawa G, Ai T, Yamamoto T, Ito K, Nojiri S, Saito K, Wakita M, Fukuda H, Hori S, Misawa S, Miida T, Seyama K, Takahashi K, Tabe Y, Naito T. Antibody response and seroprevalence in healthcare workers after the BNT162b2 vaccination in a University Hospital at Tokyo. Sci Rep. 12(1):8707, 2022 May

Torasawa M, Yoshida T, Yagishita S, Shimoda Y, Shirasawa M, Matsumoto Y, Masuda K, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Takahashi K, Ohe Y. Nivolumab versus pembrolizumab in previously-treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients: A propensity-matched real-world analysis. Lung Cancer. 167:49-57, 2022 May

Tsuchiya K, Hosaka Y, Takahashi T, Chonan M, Makita Y, Katayama I, Ai T, Idei M, Horiuchi Y, Yamatani K, Wakita M, Misawa S, Okuzawa A, Miida T, Naito T, Takahashi K, Tabe Y. Meals and Room Temperature Storage do not Significantly Affect Feasibility of Direct RT-PCR Tests for SARS-CoV-2 Using Saliva. Clin Lab. 68(6) doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2021.210451, 2022 Jun

Nanjo Y, Okuma T, Kuroda Y, Hayakawa E, Shibayama K, Akimoto T, Murashima R, Kanamori K, Tsutsumi T, Suzuki Y, Namba Y, Makino F, Nagashima O, Sasaki S, Takahashi K. Multiple Types of Taste Disorders among Patients with COVID-19. Intern Med. 61(14):2127-2134, 2022 Jul

Miyawaki T, Naito T, Doshita K, Kodama H, Mori M, Nishioka N, Iida Y, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Ko R, Wakuda K, Ono A, Kenmotsu H, Murakami H, Mori K, Harada H, Endo M, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Predicting the efficacy of first-line immunotherapy by combining cancer cachexia and tumor burden in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Thorac Cancer. 13(14):2064-2074, 2022 Jul

Yoshida T, Nagaoka T, Nagata Y, Suzuki Y, Tsutsumi T, Kuriyama S, Watanabe J, Togo S, Takahashi F, Matsushita M, Joki Y, Konishi H, Nunomura S, Izuhara K, Conway SJ, Takahashi K. Periostin-related progression of different types of experimental pulmonary hypertension: A role for M2 macrophage and FGF-2 signalling. Respirology. 27(7):529-538, 2022 Jul

Namkoong H, Takahashi K, Okada Y, et al. DOCK2 is involved in the host genetics and biology of severe COVID-19. Nature. 609(7928):754-760, 2022 Aug

Iwamura C, Hirahara K, Kiuchi M, Ikehara S, Azuma K, Shimada T, Kuriyama S, Ohki S, Yamamoto E, Inaba Y, Shiko Y, Aoki A, Kokubo K, Hirasawa R, Hishiya T, Tsuji K, Nagaoka T, Ishikawa S, Kojima A, Mito H, Hase R, Kasahara Y, Kuriyama N, Tsukamoto T, Nakamura S, Urushibara T, Kaneda S, Sakao S, Tobiume M, Suzuki Y, Tsujiwaki M, Kubo T, Hasegawa T, Nakase H, Nishida O, Takahashi K, Baba K, Iizumi Y, Okazaki T, Kimura MY, Yoshino I, Igari H, Nakajima H, Suzuki T, Hanaoka H, Nakada TA, Ikehara Y, Yokote K, Nakayama T. Elevated Myl9 reflects the Myl9-containing microthrombi in SARS-CoV-2-induced lung exudative vasculitis and predicts COVID-19 severity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(33):e2203437, 2022 Aug

Wang S Q, Takahashi K, Okada Y, et al. The whole blood transcriptional regulation landscape in 465 COVID-19 infected samples from Japan COVID-19 Task Force. Nat Commun. 13(1):4830, 2022 Aug

Komura M, Sato T, Yoshikawa H, Arano Nitta N, Suzuki Y, Koike K, Kodama Y, Seyama K, Takahashi K. Propylene glycol, a component of electronic cigarette liquid, damages epithelial cells in human small airways. Respir Res. 23(1):216, 2022 Aug

Takei S, Ai T, Yamamoto T, Igawa G, Kanno T, Tobiume M, Hiki M, Saito K, Khasawneh A, Wakita M, Misawa S, Miida T, Okuzawa A, Suzuki T, Takahashi K, Naito T, Tabe Y. Performance evaluation of the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoassays by comparison with neutralizing antibodies and clinical assessment. PLoS One. 17(9):e0274181, 2022 Sep

Takahashi M, Ai T, Sinozuka K, Baba Y, Igawa G, Nojiri S, Yamamoto T, Yuri M, Takei S, Saito K, Horiuchi Y, Kanno T, Tobiume M, Khasawneh A, Paran FJ, Hiki M, Wakita M, Miida T, Suzuki T, Okuzawa A, Takahashi K, Naito T, Tabe Y. Activation of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody is slower than elevation of spike-specific IgG, IgM, and nucleocapsid-specific IgG antibodies. Scientific reports. 12(1):14909, 2022 Sep

Heissig B, Salama Y, Iakoubov R, Vehreschil JJ, Rios R, Nogueira T, Vehreschild MJGT, Stecher M, Mori H, Lanznaster J, Adachi E, Jakob C, Tabe Y, Ruethrich M, Borgmann S, Naito T, Wille K, Valenti S, Hower M, Hattori N, Rieg S, Nagaoka T, Jensen BE, Yotsuyanagi H, Hertenstein B, Ogawa H, Wyen C, Kominami E, Roemmele C, Takahashi S, Rupp J, Takahashi K, Hanses F, Hattori K. COVID-19 Severity and Thrombo-Inflammatory Response Linked to Ethnicity. Biomedicine. 10(10): 2549, 2022 Oct

Gohda T, Murakoshi M, Suzuki Y, Hiki M, Naito T, Takahashi K, Tabe Y. Circulating tumor necrosis factor receptors are associated with mortality and disease severity in COVID-19 patients. PLoS One. 17(10): e0275745, 2022 Oct

Kurokawa K, Mitsuishi Y, Shimada N, Kawakami Y, Miura K, Miyawaki T, Asao T, Ko R, Shukuya T, Shibayama R, Nojiri S, Takahashi K. Association between the efficacy and immune-related adverse events of pembrolizumab and chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 22(1):1047, 2022 Oct

Lee H, Chubachi S, Namkoong H, Asakura T, Tanaka H, Otake S, Nakagawara K, Morita A, Fukushima T, Watase M, Kusumoto T, Masaki K, Kamata H, Ishii M, Hasegawa N, Harada N, Ueda T, Ueda S, Ishiguro T, Arimura K, Saito F, Yoshiyama T, Nakano Y, Mutoh Y, Suzuki Y, Murakami K, Okada Y, Koike R, Kitagawa Y, Kimura A, Imoto S, Miyano S, Ogawa S, Kanai T, Fukunaga K; Japan COVID-19 Task Force.. Characteristics of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 during the first to fifth waves of infection: a report from the Japan COVID-19 Task Force. BMC Infect Dis. 22(1):935, 2022 Dec

Miyawaki T, Kenmotsu H, Doshita K, Kodama H, Nishioka N, Iida Y, Miyawaki E, Mamesaya N, Kobayashi H, Omori S, Ko R, Wakuda K, Ono A, Naito T, Murakami H, Mori K, Harada H, Endo M, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. Clinical impact of tumour burden on the efficacy of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus chemotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Med. 12(2):1451-1460, 2023 Jan

Tomofuji Y, Suzuki K, Kishikawa T, Shojima N, Hosoe J, Inagaki K, Matsubayashi S, Ishihara H, Watada H, Ishigaki Y; BioBank Japan Project; Inohara H, Murakami Y, Matsuda K, Okada Y, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T. Identification of serum metabolome signatures associated with retinal and renal complications of type 2 diabetes. Commun Med (Lond). 3(1):5, 2023 Jan

Takahashi M, Saito K, Ai T, Nojiri S, Khasawneh A, Paran FJ, Horiuchi Y, Takei S, Yamamoto T, Wakita M, Hiki M, Miida T, Naito T, Takahashi K, Tabe Y. Performance evaluation of the Ortho VITROS SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific Quantitative IgG test by comparison with the surrogate virus neutralizing antibody test and clinical assessment. PLoS One. 18(1):e0279779, 2023 Jan

Kurokawa K, Mitsuishi Y, Shimada N, Ito N, Ogiwara M, Miura K, Asao T, Ko R, Shukuya T, Shibayama R, Goto H, Takahashi K. Clinical characteristics of adrenal insufficiency induced by pembrolizumab in non-small-cell lung cancer. Thorac Cancer. 14(5):442-449, 2023 Feb

Watanabe J, Ihara H, Takei S, Nakamura A, Fujimoto Y, Handoh T, Kurokawa K, Arai Y, Shibayama K, Sumiyoshi I, Ochi Y, Okabe T, Misawa S, Togo S, Naito T, Tabe Y, Miida T, Takahashi K. The synergetic effect of sitafloxacin-arbekacin combination in the Mycobacterium abscessus species. Sci Rep. 13(1):2027, 2023 Feb

Xu S, Miura K, Shukuya T, Harada S, Fujioka M, Winardi W, Shimamura S, Kurokawa K, Sumiyoshi I, Miyawaki T, Asao T, Mitsuishi Y, Tajima K, Takahashi F, Hayashi T, Harada N, Takahashi K. Early Detection of Therapeutic Benefit from PD-1/PD-L1 Blockade in Advanced Lung Cancer by Monitoring Cachexia-Related Circulating Cytokines. Cancers (Basel). 15(4):1170, 2023 Feb

Jo H, Yoshida T, Yagishita S, Ohuchi M, Matsumoto Y, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Takahashi K, Motoi N, Hamada A, Ohe Y. Clinical Characteristics and Pharmacokinetics Change of Long-Term Responders to Antiprogrammed Cell Death Protein 1 Inhibitor Among Patients With Advanced NSCLC. JTO Clin Res Rep. 4(4):100474, 2023 Feb

Kuroda Y, Kaneko T, Yoshikawa H, Uchiyama S, Nagata Y, Matsushita Y, Hiki M, Minamino T, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Daida H, Kagiyama N. Artificial intelligence-based point-of-care lung ultrasound for screening COVID-19 pneumoniae: Comparison with CT scan. PLOS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0281127.eCollection 2023. March 16, 2023

Sandhu Y, Harada N, Sasano H, Harada S, Ueda S, Takeshige T, Tanabe Y, Ishimori A, Matsuno K, Abe S, Nagaoka T, Ito J, Chiba A, Akiba H, Atsuta R, Izuhara K, Miyake S, Takahashi K. Pretreatment Frequency of Circulating Th17 Cells and FeNO Levels Predicted the Real-World Response after 1 Year of Benralizumab Treatment in Patients with Severe Asthma. Biomolecules. 13(3): 538, 2023 Mar. 

Sekimoto Y, Sekiya M, Nojiri S, Hayakawa E, Masui Y, Tajima M, Nishino K, Nishizaki Y, Takahashi K. IFN-l3 and CCL17 as predictors of disease progression in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19: A cohort study in a real-world setting. Respir Investig. 61(2):153-156, 2023 Mar

Miyamoto A, Michimae H, Nakahara Y, Akagawa S, Nakagawa K, Minegishi Y, Ogura T, Hontsu S, Date H, Takahashi K, Homma S, Kishi K; Investigators Group for Lung Cancer and IIP. Chemotherapy versus best supportive care in advanced lung cancer and idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study. Respir Investig. 61(2):284-295, 2023 Mar

Kanamori R, Yan Y, Ito K, Fukuda H, Hori S, Yamamoto T, Igawa G, Saito K, Horiuchi Y, Nojiri S, Nishizaki Y, Tabe Y, Takahashi K, Naito T. Increased SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and spread of infection without awareness among healthcare workers through 2020-2022 in a Japanese medical center. Sci Rep. 13(1):4941, 2023 Mar 追加

Nishioki T, Koyama R, Okubo H, Fukuo Y, Takasaki Y, Yae T, Banno T, Kenji K, Takahashi K, Shiina S, Ikejima K. Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot Placement for Hepatic Abscess and Bronchobiliary Fistula Following Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Intern Med, 62(7): 999-1004, 2023 Apr

Kanamori K, Suina K, Shukuya T, Takahashi F, Hayashi T, Hara K, Saito T, Mitsuishi Y, Shimamura SS, Winardi W, Tajima K, Ko R, Mimori T, Asao T, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Suehara Y, Takamochi K, Suzuki K, Takahashi K. CALML5 is a novel diagnostic marker for differentiating thymic squamous cell carcinoma from type B3 thymoma. Thorac Cancer. 14(12):1089-1097, 2023 Apr

Edahiro R, Shirai Y, Takeshima Y, Sakakibara S, Yamaguchi Y, Murakami T, Morita T, Kato Y, Liu YC, Motooka D, Naito Y, Takuwa A, Sugihara F, Tanaka K, Wing JB, Sonehara K, Tomofuji Y; Japan COVID-19 Task Force; Namkoong H, Tanaka H, Lee H, Fukunaga K, Hirata H, Takeda Y, Okuzaki D, Kumanogoh A, Okada Y. Single-cell analyses and host genetics highlight the role of innate immune cells in COVID-19 severity. Nat Genet. 55(5):753-767, 2023 May

Handa T, Hayashi T, Ura A, Watanabe I, Takamochi K, Onagi H, Kishi M, Matsumoto N, Tajima K, Kishikawa S, Saito T, Takahashi K, Suzuki K, Yao T. Comparison of ASCL1, NEUROD1, and POU2F3 expression in surgically resected specimens, paired tissue microarrays, and lymph node metastases in small cell lung carcinoma. Histopathology. 82(6):860-869, 2023 May

Saito R, Sugawara S, Ko R, Azuma K, Morita R, Maemondo M, Oizumi S, Takahashi K, Kagamu H, Tsubata Y, Seike M, Kikuchi T, Okamoto I, Satoshi M, Asahina H, Tanaka K, Sugio K, Kobayashi K. Phase 2 study of osimertinib in combination with platinum and pemetrexed in patients with previously untreated EGFR-mutated advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer: The OPAL Study. Eur J Cancer. 185:83-93, 2023 May

Asao T, Shukuya T, Mimori T, Goto Y, Tanaka H, Takayama K, Tsubata Y, Tachihara M, Suzuki T, Kaira K, Ko R, Zenke Y, Akamatsu H, Tanizaki J, Ikeda S, Sugawara S, Mizutani H, Mori K, Takahashi K. Study Design and Rationale for Marble Study: A Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab (MPDL3280A) Plus Carboplatin and Paclitaxel in Patients With Advanced or Recurrent Thymic Carcinoma (JTD2101). Clin Lung Cancer. 19:S1525-7304(23)00099-2, 2023 May, Online ahead of print.

Komura M, Sato T, Suzuki Y, Yoshikawa H, Nitta NA, Hayashi M, Kuwasaki E, Horikoshi K, Nishioki T, Mori M, Kodama Y, Sasaki S, Takahashi K. Blood Eosinophil Count as a Predictive Biomarker of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation in a Real-World Setting. Can Respir J. 2023:3302405, 2023 May

Omori M, Minegishi Y, Uruga H, Fukuizumi A, Isobe K, Izumi S, Koyama R, Bando M, Sugiyama H, Takahashi K, Gemma A, Homma S, Sugiyama Y, Kishi K. Carboplatin and weekly paclitaxel in combination with bevacizumab for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer complicated by idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: A feasibility study. Respir Investig. 61(5): 625-631, 2023 Jun

Haraguchi M, Kiyotani K, Tate T, Sakata S, Sagawa R, Takagi S, Nagayama S, Takeuchi K, Takahashi K, Katayama R. Spatiotemporal commonality of the TCR repertoire in a T-cell memory murine model and in metastatic human colorectal cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. doi: 10.1007/s00262-023-03473-9, 2023 Jun.

Shukuya T, Takahashi K, Shintani Y, Miura K, Sekine I, Takayama K, Inoue A, Okamoto I, Kiura K, Kawaguchi T, Yamamoto N, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Date H. Epidemiology, risk factors and impact of cachexia on patient outcome: Results from the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 14(3):1274-1285, 2023 Jun

Torasawa M, Yoshida T, Takeyasu Y, Shimoda Y, Tateishi A, Matsumoto Y, Masuda K, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Takahashi K, Ohe Y. Disease progression status during initial immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) affects the clinical outcome of ICI retreatment in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients. Cancer Med. 12(11):12388-12401, 2023 Jun

Kojima S, Koyama S, Ka M, Saito Y, Parrish EH, Endo M, Takata S, Mizukoshi M, Hikino K, Takeda A, Gelinas AF, Heaton SM, Koide R, Kamada AJ, Noguchi M, Hamada M; Biobank Japan Project Consortium; Kamatani Y, Murakawa Y, Ishigaki K, Nakamura Y, Ito K, Terao C, Momozawa Y, Parrish NF. Mobile element variation contributes to population-specific genome diversification, gene regulation and disease risk. Nat Genet. 55(6):939-951, 2023 Jun

Sasano H, Harada N, Harada S, Takeshige T, Sandhu Y, Tanabe Y, Ishimori A, Matsuno K, Nagaoka T, Ito J, Chiba A, Akiba H, Atsuta R, Izuhara K, Miyake S, Takahashi K. Pretreatment circulating MAIT cells, neutrophils, and periostin predicted the real-world response after 1-year mepolizumab treatment in asthmatics. Allergol Int. 17:S1323-8930(23)00050-3, 2023 Jun, Online ahead of print.

Omori M, Minegishi Y, Uruga H, Fukuizumi A, Isobe K, Izumi S, Koyama R, Bando M, Sugiyama H, Takahashi K, Gemma A, Homma S, Sugiyama Y, Kishi K. Carboplatin and weekly paclitaxel in combination with bevacizumab for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer complicated by idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: A feasibility study. Respir Investig. 61(5):625-631, 2023 Jul, Online ahead of print.

Haraguchi M, Kiyotani K, Tate T, Sakata S, Sagawa R, Takagi S, Nagayama S, Takeuchi K, Takahashi K, Katayama R. Spatiotemporal commonality of the TCR repertoire in a T-cell memory murine model and in metastatic human colorectal cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 72(9):2971-2989, 2023 Sep

Jin B, Oyama R, Tabe Y, Tsuchiya K, Hando T, Wakita M, Yan Y, Saita M, Takei S, Horiuchi Y, Miida T, Naito T, Takahashi K, Ogawa H. Investigation of the individual genetic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in a small cluster during the rapid spread of the BF.5 lineage in Tokyo, Japan. Front Microbiol. 14:1229234, 2023 Sep

Takahashi T, Ai T, Saito K, Nojiri S, Takahashi M, Igawa G, Yamamoto T, Khasawneh A, Paran FJ, Takei S, Horiuchi Y, Kanno T, Tobiume M, Hiki M, Wakita M, Miida T, Okuzawa A, Suzuki T, Takahashi K, Naito T, Tabe Y. Assessment of antibody dynamics and neutralizing activity using serological assay after SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination. PLoS One. 18(9):e0291670, 2023 Sep


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