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大草 敏史(オオクサ トシフミ)
研究テーマ | 消化器病学、腸内細菌学 |
研究業績(論文) | 1.DSS腸炎ー潰瘍性大腸炎モデルの開発(世界初) 1) 大草敏史: デキストラン硫酸投与による実験的潰瘍性大腸炎の作成と腸内細菌叢の変動に関する研究. 日本消化器病学会誌 82:1327-1336, 1985 2) Okayasu I, Hatakeyama S, Yamada M, Ohkusa T, Inagaki Y, Nakaya R: A novel method in the induction of reliable experimental acute and chronic ulcerative colitis in mice. Gastroenterology 98: 694-702, 1990 3) Yamada M, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: Occurence of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma after chronic ulcerative colitis in hamsters induced by dextran sulfate sodium. Gut 33: 1521- 1527, 1992 4) Okayasu I, Ohkusa T, Kajiura K, Kanno J, Sakamoto S: Promotion of colorectal neoplasia in experimental murine ulcerative colitis. Gut 39: 87-92, 1996 5) Kajiura K, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: The relation between fecal bile acids and occurrence of colorectal neoplasia in experimental murine ulcerative colitis. Digestion 59: 69-72, 1998 6) Okayasu I, Yamada M, Mikami T, Yoshida T, Kanno J, Ohkusa T: Dysplasia and carcinoma development in a repeated dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis model. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17:1078-83, 2002 7) Fujiwara M, Kaneko T, Iwana H, Taketomo N, Tsunoo H, Kanno J, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: Inhibitory effects of Bifidobacterium longum on experimental ulcerative colitis induced in mice by synthetic dextran sulfate sodium. Digestion. 67:90-5, 2003 2.胃過形成性ポリープにピロリ菌除菌療法が有効であることをRCTで証明(世界初) 1) Saito Y, Ohkusa T, Endo S, Okayasu I: Detection of Helicobacter pylori in gastric hyperplastic polyps comparison between foveolar and fundic polyps. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 4: s89-s92, 1992 2) Suzuki S, Ohkusa T, Shimoi K, Horiuchi T, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I: Disappearance of multiple hyperplastic polyps after the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Gastrointest Endosc 46: 566-568, 1997 3) Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Fujiki K, Suzuki S, Shimoi K, Horiuchi T, Sakurazawa S, Ariake K, Ishii K, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T: Disappearance of hyperplastic polyps in the stomach after eradication of Helicobacter pylori - A randomized, controlled trial. Ann Int Med 129: 712-715, 1998 4) Ohkusa T, Miwa H, Hojo M, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T, Asaoka D, Terai T, Ohkura R, Sato N: Endoscopic, Histological and Serologic Findings of Gastric Hyperplastic Polyps after eradication of Helicobacter pylori: Comparison between Responder and Non-Responder Cases. Digestion 68:57- 62, 2003 3.ピロリ菌除菌療法による萎縮性胃炎と腸上皮化生の改善を証明(世界初) 1) Endo S, Ohkusa T, Saito Y, Fujiki K, Okayasu I, Sato C: Detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in early-stage gastric cancer. A comparison between intestinal- and diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma. Cancer 75: 2203-8, 1995 2) Ohkusa T, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T, Eishi Y, Yokoyama T, Watanabe M: Improvement in atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia in patients in whom Helicobacter pylori was eradicated. Ann Intern Med 134: 380-386, 2001 4.ピロリ菌感染による十二指腸潰瘍モデルの作成(スナネズミ)(世界初) 1) Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Miwa H, Ohtaka K, Endo S, Sato N: Helicobacter pylori infection induces duodenitis and superficial duodenal ulcer in Mongolian gerbils. Gut. 52:797-803, 2003 5.潰瘍性大腸炎の原因菌の1つを発見(Fusobacterium varium:バリウム菌) (世界初) 1) Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Tokoi S, Ozaki Y: Bacterial invasion into the colonic mucosa in ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 8: 116-118, 1993 2) Ohkusa T, Sato N, Ogihara T, Morita K, Ogawa M, Okayasu I: Fusobacterium varium localized in the colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis stimulates species-specific antibody. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17:849-53, 2002. 3) Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Ogihara T, Morita K, Ogawa M, Sato N: Induction of experimental ulcerative colitis by Fusobacterium varium isolated from colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis. Gut 52:79-83, 2003 4) Ohkusa T, Yoshida T, Sato N, Watanabe S, Tajiri H, Okayasu I: Commensal bacteria can enter colonic epithelial cells and induce proinflammatory cytokine secretion: A possible pathogenic mechanism of ulcerative colitis. J Med Microbiol 2008 in press. 6.潰瘍性大腸炎の抗菌薬多剤併用療法の開発(世界初) 1) Nomura T, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Yoshida T, Sakamoto M, Hayashi H, Benno Y, Hirai S, Hojo M, Kobayashi O, Terai T, Miwa H, Takei Y, Ogihara T, Sato N. Mucosa-associated bacteria in ulcerative colitis before and after antibiotic combination therapy. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 21:1017-27, 2005 2) Ohkusa T, Nomura T, Terai T, Miwa H, Kobayashi O, Hojo M, Takei Y, Ogihara T, Hirai S, Okayasu I, Sato N. Effectiveness of Antibiotic Combination Therapy in Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Trial with Long-Term Follow Up. Scand J Gastroenterol 40:1334-1342, 2005 3) Ohkusa T, Kato K, Terao S, Chiba T, Mabe K, Murakami K, Mizokami Y, Sugiyama T, Yanaka A, Takeuchi Y, Yamato S, Yokoyama T, Okayasu I, Watanabe S, Tajiri H, Sato N. Newly Developed Antibiotic Combination Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 105(8):1820-9, 2010 4) Kato K, Ohkusa T, Terao S, Chiba T, Murakami K, Yanaka A, Uehara T, Ishii Y, Soma M, Tajiri H. Adjunct antibiotic combination therapy for steroid-refractory or -dependent ulcerative colitis: an open-label multicentre study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014;39:949-56. 1. Kuyama Y, Yamamoto N, Takashimizu I, Tamura Y, Sasabe M, Kurosawa H, Fujimoto H, Nishiura M, Ohkusa T: Endoscopic microwave treatment. Gastrointest. Endosc. 33:229-232, 1987, IF:10.396 /CI:8 2. Okayasu I, Hatakeyama S, Yamada M, Ohkusa T, Inagaki Y, Nakaya R: A novel method in the induction of reliable experimental acute and chronic ulcerative colitis in mice. Gastroenterology. 98:694-702, 1990, IF:33.883/CI:1977 3. Yamada M, Kajiura K, Fujiki K, Takenaga T, Tamura Y, Nakamura R, Ohkusa T, Matsumoto F, Kamei Y, Nakaya R: Detection frequency of Campylobacter pylori at biopsy site of gastric ulcers. Campylobacter pylori and Gastroduodenal Diseases 2:204-210, 1990, IF:0/CI:0 4. Ohkusa T, Ohtomo K, Yamamoto N, Fujimoto H: Primary adenocarcinoma of duodenal bulb benefitted by chemotherapy. Dig. Dis. Sci. 36:1653-1656, 1991, IF:3.487/CI:7 5. Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Yamada M, Hosoi H, Yamanaka A, Fujiki K, Tamura Y, Takashimizu I, Sasabe M, Yamamoto N, Matsumoto F, Kamei Y, Nakaya R: A high frequency of detection of Helicobacter pylori in whitish exudate of gastric ulcer. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 13:649-655, 1991, IF:3.174/CI:11 6. Yamada M, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: Occurence of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma after chronic ulcerative colitis in hamsters induced by dextran sulfate sodium. Gut 33:1521-1527, 1992, IF:31.795/CI:85 7. Saito Y, Ohkusa T, Endo S, Okayasu I: Detection of Helicobacter pylori in gastric hyperplastic polyps comparison between foveolar and fundic polyps. Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 4:s89-s92, 1992, IF:2.586/CI:9 8. Ohkusa T, Yamamoto M, Kataoka K, Kyoi T, Ueda F, Fujimoto H, Sasabe M, Tamura Y, Hosoi H, Tokoi S, Sazaki N, Saito Y: Electron microscopic study of intercellular junctions in human gastric mucosa with special reference to their relationship to gastric ulcer. Gut 34:86-89, 1993, IF:31.795/CI:19 9. Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Tokoi S, Ozaki Y: Bacterial invasion into the colonic mucosa in ulcerative colitis. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 8:116-118, 1993, IF:4.369/CI:24 10. Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Tokoi S, Araki A, Ozaki Y: Changes in bacterial phagocytosis of macrophages in experimental ulcerative colitis. Digestion 56:159-164, 1995, IF:3.672/CI:37 11. Fujiki K, Ohkusa T, Tamura Y, Sato C: Evaluation of the effects of esophageal varicosclerosants on local vascular occlusion and systemic blood coagulation. Gastrointest. Endosc. 41:212-7, 1995, IF:10.396/CI:8 12. Ohkusa T, Fujiki K, Tamura Y, Yamamoto M, Kyoi T: Freeze fracture and immunohistochemical studies of gap junctions in human gastric mucosa with special reference to their relationship to gastric ulcer and gastric carcinoma. Microsc. Res. Techniq. 31:226-233, 1995, IF:2.893/CI:11 13. Ohkusa T, Ozaki Y, Sato C, Mikuni K, Ikeda H: Long-term ingestion of lactosucrose increases Bifidobacterium sp. in human fecal flora. Digestion 56:415-420, 1995, IF:3.672/CI:60 14. Endo S, Ohkusa T, Saito Y, Fujiki K, Okayasu I, Sato C: Detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in early-stage gastric cancer-A comparison between intestinal- and diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma. Cancer 75:2203-2208, 1995, IF:6.921/CI:49 15. Kusaka S, Okusa T, Araki A, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I, Yamamoto N, Sato C: Prediction of relapses after interferon-alpha therapy by hepatitis C virus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. J. Med. Virology 46:265-268, 1995, IF:20.693/CI:21 16. Hosoi H, Hirosawa S, Yamamoto K, Ohkusa T, Aoki N: Using biopsy materials to detect mutations in gastrointestinal tumors. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 20:272-276, 1995, IF:3.174/CI:2 17. Tokoi S, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Nakamura K: Population changes in immunoglobulin- containing mononuclear cells in dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. J.Gastroenterol. 31:182-188, 1996, IF:6.772/CI:16 18. Okayasu I, Ohkusa T, Kajiura K, Kanno J, Sakamoto S: Promotion of colorectal neoplasia in experimental murine ulcerative colitis. Gut 39:87-92, 1996, IF:31.793/CI:205 19. Brandwein SL, McCabe RP, Cong Y, Waites KB, Ridwan BU, Dean PA, Ohkusa T, Birkenmeier EH, Sundberg JP, Elson CO: Spontaneously colitic C3H/HeJBir mice demonstrate selective antibody reactivity to antigens of the enteric bacterial flora. J. Immunol. 159:44-52, 1997, IF:5.43/CI:119 20. Takashimizu I, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Sato C: Comparison of necrosis and fibrotic repair after ethanol injection between normal and cirrhotic livers. Digestion 58:384-388, 1997, IF:3.672/CI:2 21. Honda K, Mikami T, Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Fujiki K, Araki A, Shimoi K, Enomoto Y, Ariake K, Miyasaka N, Nihei Z, Oda K, Terada T: Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor with giant abscess: a case report and literature review. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 24:280-285, 1997, IF:3.174/CI:13 22. Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Fujiki K, Araki A, Honda K, Shimoi K, Sakurazawa T, Horiuchi T, Suzuki S, Ariake K, Ishii K: Changes in serum pepsinogen, gastrin and IgG antibody titers in Helicobacter pylori-positive gastric ulcer after eradication of the infection. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 25:317-322, 1997, IF:3.174/CI:20 23. Suzuki S, Ohkusa T, Shimoi K, Horiuchi T, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I: Disappearance of multiple hyperplastic polyps after the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Gastrointest. Endosc. 46:566-568, 1997, IF:10.396/CI:13 24. Kajiura K, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: Relationship between fecal bile acids and the occurrence of colorectal neoplasia in experimental murine ulcerative colitis. Digestion 59:69-72, 1998, IF:3.672/CI:19 25. Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Fujiki K, Araki A, Ariake K, Shimoi K, Honda K, Enomoto Y, Sakurazawa T, Horiuchi T, Suzuki S, Ishii K, Ishikura T: Prospective evaluation of a new anti-ulcer agent, ecabet sodium, for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Aliment. Pharm. Therap. 12:457-461, 1998, IF:9.524/CI:20 26. Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Fujiki K, Suzuki S, Shimoi K, Horiuchi T, Sakurazawa S, Ariake K, Ishii K, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T: Disappearance of Hyperplastic Polyps in the Stomach after Eradication of Helicobacter pylori - A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Ann. Int. Med. 129:712-715, 1998, IF:51.598/CI:98 27. Iwai M, Harada Y, Muramatsu A, Tanaka S, Mori T, Okanoue T, Katoh F, Ohkusa T, Kashima K: Development of gap junctional channels and intercellular communication in rat liver during ontogenesis. J. Hepatol. 32:11-18, 2000, IF:30.083/CI:29 28. Ohkusa T, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T, Eishi Y: Endoscopic and histological comparison of nonulcer dyspepsia with and without Helicobacter pylori infection evaluated by the modified Sydney system. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 95:2195-2199, 2000, IF:12.045/CI:20 29. Tohda S, Ohkusa T: Resolution of refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Am. J. Hematol. 65:329-330, 2000 IF:13.268/CI:24 30. Ariake K, Ohkusa T, Sakurazawa T, Kumagai J, Eishi Y, Hosoi S, Yajima T: Roles of mucosal bacteria and succinic acid in colitis caused by dextran sulfate sodium in mice. J. Med. Dent. Sci. 47:233-241, 2000, IF: 0/CI:0 31. Ohkusa T, Fujiki K, Takashimizu I, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T, Eishi Y, Yokoyama T, Watanabe M: Improvement in atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia in patients in whom Helicobacter pylori was eradicated. Ann. Intern. Med. 134:380-386, 2001, IF:51.598/CI:165 32. Nomura T, Ohkusa T, Araki A, Chuganji Y, Momoi M, Takashimizu I, Watanabe M: Influence of climatic factors in the incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 16:619-623, 2001, IF:4.369/CI:27 33. Horiuchi T, Ohkusa T, Watanabe M, Kobayashi D, Miwa H, Eishi Y: Helicobacter pylori DNA in drinking water in Japan. Microbiol. Immunol. 45:515-519, 2001, IF:2.962/CI:54 34. Honda K, Ohkusa T, Takashimizu I, Watanabe M, Amagasa M: High risk of Helicobacter pylori infection in young Japanese dentists. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 16:862-865, 2001, IF:4.369/CI:11 35. Hasegawa K, Ichikawa W, Fujita T, Ohno T, Okusa T, Yoshinaga K, Sugihara K: Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mRNA in human colorectal adenomas. Eur. J. Cancer 37:1469-1474, 2001, IF:10.002 /CI:38 36. Andreyev HJ, Norman AR, Cunningham D, Oates J, Dix BR, Iacopetta BJ, Young J, Walsh T, Ward R, Hawkins N, Beranek M, Jandik P, Benamouzig R, Jullian E, Laurent-Puig P, Olschwang S, Muller O, Hoffmann I, Rabes HM, Zietz C, Troungos C, Valavanis C, Yuen ST, Ho JW, Croke CT, O'Donoghue DP, Giaretti W, Rapallo A, Russo A, Bazan V, Tanaka M, Omura K, Azuma T, Ohkusa T, Fujimori T, Ono Y, Pauly M, Faber C, Glaesener R, de Goeij AF, Arends JW, Andersen SN, Lovig T, Breivik J, Gaudernack G, Clausen OP, De Angelis PD, Meling GI, Rognum TO, Smith R, Goh HS, Font A, Rosell R, Sun XF, Zhang H, Benhattar J, Losi L, Lee JQ, Wang ST, Clarke PA, Bell S, Quirke P, Bubb VJ, Piris J, Cruickshank NR, Morton D, Fox JC, Al-Mulla F, Lees N, Hall CN, Snary D, Wilkinson K, Dillon D, Costa J, Pricolo VE, Finkelstein SD, Thebo JS, Senagore AJ, Halter SA, Wadler S, Malik S, Krtolica K, Urosevic N. Kirsten ras mutations in patients with colorectal cancer: the RASCAL II study. Br. J. Cancer 85:692-696, 2001, IF:9.082/CI:677 37. Kobayashi D, Eishi Y, Ohkusa T, Ishige I, Suzuki T, Minami J, Yamada T, Takizawa T, Koike M: Gastric mucosal density of Helicobacter pylori estimated by real-time PCR compared with results of urea breath test and histological grading. J. Med. Microbiol. 51:305-311, 2002, IF:3.196/CI:78 38. Ohkusa T, Sato N, Ogihara T, Morita K, Ogawa M, Okayasu I. Fusobacterium varium localized in the colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis stimulates species-specific antibody. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 17:849-53, 2002, IF:4.369/CI:143 39. Miwa H, Sugiyama Y, Ohkusa T, Kurosawa A, Hojo M, Yokoyama T, Hamada T, Basyuda H, Sato N: Improvement of Reflux Symptoms 3 Years After Cure of Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Case-Controlled Study in the Japanese Population. Helicobacter 7:219-224, 2002, IF:5.182/CI:16 40. Okayasu I, Yamada M, Mikami T, Yoshida T, Kanno J, Ohkusa T: Dysplasia and carcinoma development in a repeated dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis model. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 17:1078-83, 2002, IF:4.369/CI:86 41. Hojo M, Miwa H, Ohkusa T, Ohkura R, Kurosawa A, Sato N: Alteration of histological gastritis after cure of Helicobacter pylori infection. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 16:1923-1932, 2002, IF:9.524/CI:62 42. Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Ogihara T, Morita K, Ogawa M, Sato N. Induction of Experimental Ulcerative Colitis by Fusobacterium varium Isolated from Colonic Mucosa of Patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Gut 52:79-83, 2003, IF:31.795/CI:180 43. Umeda M, Kobayashi H, Takeuchi Y, Hayashi J, Morotome-Hayashi Y, Yano K, Aoki A, Ohkusa T, Ishikawa I. High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori detected by PCR in the oral cavities of periodontitis patients. J. Periodontol. 74:129-34, 2003, IF:4.494/CI:76 44. Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Miwa H, Ohtaka K, Endo S, Sato N. Helicobacter pylori infection induces duodenitis and superficial duodenal ulcer in Mongolian gerbils. Gut 52:797-803, 2003, IF:31.795/CI:29 45. Fujiwara M, Kaneko T, Iwana H, Taketomo N, Tsunoo H, Kanno J, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I. Inhibitory Effects of BIFIDOBACTERIUM LONGUM on Experimental Ulcerative Colitis Induced in Mice by Synthetic Dextran Sulfate Sodium. Digestion 67:90-5, 2003, IF:3.672/CI:18 46. Miwa H, Nagahara A, Kurosawa A, Ohkusa T, Ohkura R, Hojo M, Enomoto N, Sato N: Is antimicrobial susceptibility testing necessary before second-line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection? Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 17:1545-51, 2003, IF:9.524/CI:39 47. Ohkusa T, Miwa H, Hojo M, Kumagai J, Tanizawa T, Asaoka D, Terai T, Ohkura R, Sato N: Endoscopic, Histological and serologic findings of gastric hyperplastic polyps after eradication of Helicobacter pylori: Comparison between Responder and Non-Responder Cases. Digestion 68:57-62, 2003, IF:3.672/CI:26 48. Ohkusa T, Miwa H, Endo S, Okayasu I, Sato N: Helicobacter pylori is a fragile bacteria when stored at low and ultra-low temperatures. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 19:200-204, 2004, IF:4.369/CI:11 49. Miwa H, Sakaki N, Sugano K, Sekine H, Higuchi K, Uemura N, Kato M, Murakami K, Kato C, Shiotani A, Ohkusa T, Takagi A, Aoyama N, Haruma K, Okazaki K, Kusugami K, Suzuki M, Joh T, Azuma T, Yanaka A, Suzuki H, Hashimoto H, Kawai T, Sugiyama T: Recurrent peptic ulcers in patients following successful H. pylori eradication: A multicenter study of 4,940 patient. Helicobacter 9:9-16, 2004, IF:5.182/CI:63 50. Ohkawa A, Miwa H, Namihisa A, Kobayashi O, Nakaniwa N, Ohkusa T, Ogihara T, Sato N: Diagnostic performance of light-induced fluorescence endoscopy for gastric neoplasms. Endoscopy 36:515-521, 2004, IF:10.437/CI:33 51. Ohkusa T, Miwa H, Nomura T, Asaoka D, Kurosawa A, Ohtaka K, Hojo M, Terai T, Ogihara T, Sato N: Improvement in serum pepsinogens and gastrin in long-term monitoring after eradication of H. pylori: In comparison with H. pylori-negative patients. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 20 (Suppl 1):25-32, 2004, IF:9.524/CI:43 52. Miwa H, Minoo T, Hojo M, Yaginuma R, Nagahara A, Kawabe M, Ohkawa A, Asaoka D, Kurosawa A, Ohkusa T, Sato N: Esophageal hypersensitivity in Japanese patients with non-erosive gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 20 (Suppl 1):112-117, 2004, IF:9.524/CI:68 53. Nagahara A, Miwa H, Kawabe M, Kurosawa A, Asaoka D, Hojo M, Iijima K, Terai T, Ohkusa T, Miyazaki A, Sato N: Second-line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection in Japan: proton pump inhibitor-based amoxicillin and metronidazole regimen. J. Gastroenterol. 39:1051-1055, 2004, IF:6.772/CI:18 54. Tanaka J, Fukuda Y, Shintani S, Hori K, Tomita T, Ohkusa T, Matsumoto T, Miwa H: Influence of antimicrobial treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection on the intestinal microflora in Japanese macaques. J. Med. Microbiol. 54:309-14, 2005, IF:3.196/CI:7 55. Nomura T, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I, Yoshida T, Sakamoto M, Hayashi H, Benno Y, Hirai S, Hojo M, Kobayashi O, Terai T, Miwa H, Takei Y, Ogihara T, Sato N: Mucosa-associated bacteria in ulcerative colitis before and after antibiotic combination therapy. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 21:1017-1027, 2005, IF:9.524/CI:41 56. Ohkusa T, Maekawa T, Arakawa T, Nakajima M, Fujimoto K, Hoshino E, Mitachi Y, Hamada S, Mine T, Kawahara Y, Nagai T, Aoyama N, Yoshida N, Tadokoro K, Chida N, Konda Y, Seno H, Shimatani T, Inoue M, Sato N: Effect of CYP2C19 polymorphism on the safety and efficacy of omeprazole in Japanese patients with recurrent reflux oesophagitis. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 21:1331-9, 2005, IF:9.524/CI:21 57. Ohkusa T, Nomura T, Terai T, Miwa H, Kobayashi O, Hojo M, Takei Y, Ogihara T, Hirai S, Okayasu I, Sato N: Effectiveness of Antibiotic Combination Therapy in Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Trial with Long-Term Follow Up. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 40:1334-1342, 2005, IF:3.027/CI:69 58. Sakurazawa T, Ohkusa T: Cytotoxicity of organic acids produced by anaerobic intestinal bacteria on cultured epithelial cells. J. Gastroenterol. 40:600-609, 2005, IF:6.772/CI:29 59. Asaoka D, Miwa H, Hirai S, Ohkawa A, Kurosawa A, Kawabe M, Hojo M, Nagahara A, Minoo T, Ohkura R, Ohkusa T, Sato N: Altered localization and expression of tight junction proteins in a rat model with chronic acid reflux esophagitis. J. Gastroenterol. 40:781-90, 2005, IF:6.772/CI:52 60. Hojo M, Miwa H, Yokoyama T, Ohkusa T, Nagahara A, Kawabe M, Asaoka D, Izumi Y, Sato N: Treatment of functional dyspepsia with antianxiety or antidepressive agents: systematic review. J. Gastroenterol. 40:1036-42, 2005, IF:6.772/CI:76 61. Yoshida T, Haga S, Numata Y, Yamashita K, Mikami T, Ogawa T, Ohkusa T, Okayasu I: Disruption of the p53-p53R2 DNA repair system in ulcerative colitis contributes to colon tumorigenesis. Int J Cancer. 118:1395-1403, 2006, IF:7.316/CI:28 62. Abe S, Terai T, Sakamoto N, Beppu K, Nagahara A, Kobayashi O, Ohkusa T, Ogihara T, Hirai S, Miwa H, Kamano T, Sato N. Clinicopathological features of nonpolypoid colorectal tumors as viewed from the patients’ background. J Gastroenterol 41:325-331, 2006, IF:6.772/CI:7 63. Pan W, Terai T, Abe S, Sakamoto N, Nagahara A, Ohkusa T, Ogihara T, Sato N. Location of early colorectal cancers at fold-top may reduce the risk of lymph node metastasis. Dis Colon Rectum. 49:579-87, 2006, IF:4.657/CI:4 64. Miwa H, Osada T, Nagahara A, Ohkusa T, Hojo M, Tomita T, Hori K, Matsumoto T, Sato N. Effect of a gastro-protective agent, rebamipide, on symptom improvement in patients with functional dyspepsia –A double-blinded placebo-controlled study in Japan-. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21:1826-31, 2006, IF:4.369/CI:24 65. Kawabe M, Miwa H, Ohkusa T, Yokoyama T, Kurosawa A, Asaoka D, Hojo M, Nagahara A, Tsuda H, Sato N. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Induce Asymptomatic Gastroduodenal Ulcers in the Japanese Population-A Case-Control Study on Its Prevalence and the Protective Effect of Anti-Ulcer Agents. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 39:145-152, 2006, IF:3.179/CI:3 66. Nagahara A, Miwa H, Minoo T, Hojo M, Kawabe M, Osada T, Kurosawa A, Asaoka D, Terai T, Ohkusa T, Sato N. Increased Esophageal Sensitivity to Acid and Saline in Patients with Non-erosive Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease. J Clin Gastroenterol 40:891-895, 2006, IF:3.174/CI:52 67. Tanaka J, Ohkusa T, Yokoyama T, Matsuhisa T, Kawai T, Hashimoto H, Tomita T, Hori K, Nakajima, Matsumoto T, Miwa H. 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Koido S, Homma S, Kan S, Takakura K, Namiki Y, Kobayashi H, Ito Z, Uchiyama K, Kajihara M, Arihiro S, Arakawa H, Okamoto M, Ohkusa T, Gong J, Tajiri H. Induction of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes by fusion cells generated from allogeneic plasmacytoid dendritic and tumor cells. Int J Oncol. 2014 Jul;45(1):470-8, IF:5.884/CI:8 115. Takakura K, Koido S, Takahara A, Odahara S, Mitobe J, Matsudaira H, Tsukinaga S, Yukawa T, Matsumoto K, Nagatsuma K, Uchiyama K, Kajihara M, Ohkusa T, Tajiri H. Long-term management of gemcitabine in a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer undergoing haemodialysis. J Chemother. 2014 Dec;26(6):369-72, IF:2.385/CI:4 116. Kato K, Ohkusa T, Terao S, Chiba T, Murakami K, Yanaka A, Uehara T, Ishii Y, Soma M, Tajiri H. Adjunct antibiotic combination therapy for steroid-refractory or -dependent ulcerative colitis: an open-label multicentre study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 39:949-56, 2014, IF:9.524/CI:26 117. Koido S, Ohkusa T, Kajiura T, Shinozaki J, Suzuki M, Saito K, Takakura K, Tsukinaga S, Odahara S, Yukawa T, Mitobe J, Kajihara M, Uchiyama K, Arakawa H, Tajiri H. Long-term alteration of intestinal microbiota in patients with ulcerative colitis by antibiotic combination therapy. PLoS One. 9:e86702, 2014, IF:3.752/CI:25 118. Koido S, Ohkusa T, Kato K, Shimamoto N, Takakura K, Odahara S, Tsukinaga S, Mitobe J, Yukawa T, Kajihara M, Uchiyama K, Arakawa H, Tajiri H. Edwardsiella tarda superinfection in relapse of ulcerative colitis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 48:191-3, 2014, IF:3.174/CI:3 119. Koido S, Ohkusa T, Nakae K, Yokoyama T, Shibuya T, Sakamoto N, Uchiyama K, Arakawa H, Osada T, Nagahara A, Watanabe S, Tajiri H. Factors associated with incomplete colonoscopy at a Japanese academic hospital. World J Gastroenterol 20: 6961-6967, 2014, IF:5.374/CI:29 120. 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Koido S, Kan S, Yoshida K, Yoshizaki S, Takakura K, Namiki Y, Tsukinaga S, Odahara S, Kajihara M, Okamoto M, Ito M, Yusa S, Gong J, Sugiyama H, Ohkusa T, Homma S, Tajiri H. Immunogenic modulation of cholangiocarcinoma cells by chemoimmunotherapy. Anticancer Res. 34:6353-61, 2014, IF:2.435/CI:27 126. Kawai T, Takahashi S, Suzuki H, Sasaki H, Nagahara A, Asaoka D, Matsuhisa T, Masaoaka T, Nishizawa T, Suzuki M, Ito M, Kurihara N, Omata F, Mizuno S, Torii A, Kawakami K, Ohkusa T, Tokunaga K, Mine T, Sakaki N. Changes in the first line Helicobacter pylori eradication rates using the triple therapy-a multicenter study in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo Helicobacter pylori study group). J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29 Suppl 4:29-32, 2014, IF:4.369/CI:29 127. Koido S, Homma S, Okamoto M, Takakura K, Gong J, Sugiyama H, Ohkusa T, Tajiri H. Chemoimmunotherapy targeting Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte and helper T cell responses for patients with pancreatic cancer. 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